6 October 2022, Warsaw
The Forum spotlights debates about challenges that are being created by the fourth industrial revolution by the biggest companies in Poland and abroad. Aim of the conference is to show how different production sectors change in order to be distinguished as Revolution 4.0 Leaders. Finale to the conference will be the ceremonial Awards Gala „Green Industry Diamonds”. The best investments and most outstanding business owners who contribute to growing the Polish economy.
- How can new technologies support sustainable production processes in green factories and realize the idea of circular economy in practice?
- A broader responsibility of the manufacturer, or how to modernize recycling and give second life to products? Innovative technologies for limiting the production of waste and properly allocating it.
- Artificial intelligence – what are the benefits in implementing the machines learning process for a sustainable production process? Thanks to AI will production save more resources?
- Intelligent and balanced automization. How does creating advanced automizaton technologies influence ecological production processes?
- Changes to industrial construction, environmentally friendly awareness of contractors. The potential for limiting negative construction influence on the environment.
- Carbon footprint of buildings – how to lower it? Can low emission solutions be more competetive comparing to conventional methods?
- Low and zero emission building materials and traditional construction transformation into friendly. Innovative and money saving technologies for a balanced growth in production of building materials.
- Is it worth to begin thinking of functional building for the right automation construction project? New age technological solutions key to low emission buildings at low costs.
- Product allocation and transport as a source of geothermal gas emissions. A balanced suppy chain and optimizing Logistics for industry.
- Clean transport and e-mobility – renewable Energy, hydrogen, gas, hybrid systems – how their implementation influences costs of transport and competetiveness?
- Digital flow in Logistics – from receiving product, through storage, up to client delivery. How do IT systems influence climate neutrality?
- Warehouses on the path to decarbonization. Storage facility neutrality as the goal for near future. Do ecological solution rationalize costs of maintenance and serve more effective managing of warehouse facilities?
- Investing in own Energy sources. Independence and safety and profitability. Will the building of excess Energy in the wake of rising electricity costs allow for reducing production costs?
- RES as an alternative to extractable fuels in producing Energy for industry decarbonzation of industry and diversification of Energy supply by growth impulse of wind Energy onshore and offshore.
- Nuclear technologies as a source of clean Energy – their role in green transformation of industry and ensuring Energy safety.
- Potential of „little and medium atoms” (SMR and MMR) technology. What are the perspectives?
- How european industry can turn more green and at the same time remain competetive on the international arena?
- Closed cycle economy and climate neutral industry – main challenges and proposed solutions.
- How to change production models in the direction of decentralization of production processes that enable local enonomy growth?
- Industry and science working together for the growth of green technologies and decarbonizing of the economy.

honorary patrons
main partners
gold partners

W Autolandzie pracujemy w uproszczonej, płaskiej strukturze, koncentrując się na tym co potrafimy najlepiej: dostarczaniu naszym klientom najwyższej jakości płynów eksploatacyjnych i kosmetyków samochodowych. Wyróżniają nas doświadczeni pracownicy i ich kompetencje w zakresie zarządzania łańcuchem wartości w obszarze dostaw, handlu, prac badawczych dla których wsparciem są nasze wypracowane długoterminowe relacje. Budujemy swoją pozycję rynkową opierającą się na strategii odpowiedzialności za nasze produkty, odpowiedzialności za środowisko pracy oraz środowisko naturalne. Świadomie wdrożyliśmy systemy zarządzania zgodne z normami ISO 14001:2004 i ISO 9001:2008. Prowadzimy działalność w sposób etyczny i oczekujemy od naszych pracowników, dostawców i partnerów biznesowych przestrzegania tych zasad. Mamy precyzyjny cel – prowadzić biznes odpowiedzialny społecznie. Staramy się opierać na uniwersalnych wartościach, takich jak uczciwość, odpowiedzialność, współpraca, etyka. Oznacza to, że szanujemy zarówno naszych klientów, konkurencję, jak i wszystkich innych, z którymi mamy kontakt. Podejmując decyzje rozważamy ich wpływ na pracowników, rynek, środowisko i społeczności lokalne, w których funkcjonujemy.

ROHLIG SUUS Logistics jest liderem kompleksowych rozwiązań logistycznych w Polsce. Od blisko 30 lat dostarczamy naszym klientom efektywne rozwiązania w zakresie zarządzania logistyką i łańcuchami dostaw. Od 2006 roku jesteśmy w 100% polską spółką, obecnie zatrudniającą ponad 1400 pracowników w 24 oddziałach w Polsce i Europie. Osiągamy przychody na poziomie 842 mln złotych. Globalny fracht morski i lotniczy realizujemy w strategicznym partnerstwie z międzynarodową grupą Röhlig & Co. obecną na całym świecie. Paletę usług globalnych dopełnia fracht intermodalny i kolejowy, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem kierunków blisko i daleko wschodnich. W Polsce zbudowaliśmy własny system dystrybucji drobnicowej o zdolności realizacji dostaw w 24 h, zaś w Europie partnerski system drobnicowy obsługujący około 200 regularnych połączeń drogowych tygodniowo. Logistykę kontraktową (usługi magazynowe i dodane) realizujemy w centrach logistycznych o powierzchni ponad 200 000 m2 wyposażonych w zaawansowane technologie i proekologiczne rozwiązania. Odpowiadamy na potrzeby rynku, pomagając naszym klientom zwiększać konkurencyjność i wydajność operacji. Nieustannie rozwijamy się jako organizacja. Podnosimy nasze kompetencje i wprowadzamy wartościowe dla rynku rozwiązania.

gala partners
media patrons

Green Industry Diamonds are prestigious statuettes aimed at honoring those companies and entrepreneurs who in a special way stood out on the Polish industrial scene and have achieved success in the new economic reality. The idea of Diamonds is to promote the latest and most innovative technologies by rewarding business representatives implementing new trends in the era of the fourth industrial revolution. The competition is open and is addressed to all entities implementing projects from the industry sector.
Person that implements innovative solutions that improve production and improving the quality of the whole process, enabling growth in productivity and company competetiveness.
Person that offers advanced technology solutions that support production processes, and influence the improvement of company competetiveness.
Person responsible for realizing project implementation, enabling engineering and construction work, with respect to maintaining the highest standards.
Person that implements solutions, that in their productions processes, reduce carbon emissions, using renewable sources of Energy, implementing biodegradable and recyclable materials.
Person that stands out with the scale of sales of their products or services in international markets, managing their company in multiple countries.
Person providing services relating to transport, maintenance, distribution and product storage, using advanced technological solutions that allow for minimizing of delivery duration, also allow optimizing transport costs.
Person that is known for cooperation with companies in the industrial sector in range of financing investments that stands with their influence on the growth of the sector.
Manfacturing plant that in it’s production process uses the newest technological solutions, continually improves the factory functioning process, evolving production processes with respect to realizing goals of sustainable growth.
Manager that stands out with exceptional accomplishments in the field of building a strong brand and company success, nationally and abroad, implementing the newest technological solutions that allow for improving the production process, increasing productivity and company revenue.

Industrial Automation Leader

Fanuc SA
Industrial Automation Leader
*Honorable Mention*

Kajima Poland
Industrial Construction Leader

Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Polpharma SA
Industrial Production Leader

Segro Poland
Industrial Developer of the Year

Industrial Exporter of the Year

Nowy Styl
Industrial Exporter of the Year
*Honorable Mention*

Rohling Suus Logistics SA
Logistics Operator of the Year

Raben Group Polska
Logistics Operator of the Year
*Honorable Mention*

Sustainable Transport Leader

Bank Pekao SA
Industry Financing Leader

Dariusz Bliźniak
Vice President of the Board, Respect Energy
Graduated of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw, an expert in risk management using the PRINCE2 method. Since 1995 he has been a member of corporate bodies of commercial companies in the field of energy and commodity exchanges as well as of institutions working for the development of the commodity exchange market. In 2008, he became Vice President for Risk and Project Management of TGE, a company implementing innovative solutions in the field of commodity trading, a position he held until 2011. From 2011 to 2016, he associated with IRGiT, a company providing clearing and settlement activities for transactions concluded on the Polish Power Exchange, where he served as Vice President for Risk and Project Management and then as President of the Board of Directors. In 2018 he was appointed Vice President of Operations of TRMEW OBRÓT S.A., now Respect Energy. Co-author of textbooks about commodity exchange (1997 and 1998) and commodity futures markets (1997), author of publications on European fund management.

Ireneusz Borowski
Country Manager Poland, Dassault Systèmes
Ireneusz Borowski, since July 2019, is a Country Manager Poland at Dassault Systèmes. In this position he is responsible for reinforcing the local presence and expanding the market position of Dassault Systèmes in Poland. He is also responsible for supporting Dassault Systèmes customers in digital transformation as well as business development in Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary. Ireneusz Borowski joined Dassault Systèmes in 2008, and to date, as Senior Manager Sales & Business Development Eastern Europe, prepared business development plans for Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and managed the sales in Eastern Europe. Prior to this, as Senior Sales Manager Eastern Europe, Partner Success Management EUROCENTRAL, he steered the sales of indirect channels. Ireneusz Borowski commenced his career in 1998 at AutoR KSI, then he worked as an Account Manager and Special Program Manager in CNS Solutions. In 2000 he joined Premium Technology as a Product Manager and for the following 8 years was engaged at different levels of management. Ireneusz Borowski graduated from Warsaw University of Technology with a degree in automobile and heavy machinery engineering.

Michał Brzozowski
Managing Director / Board Member, Metroplan Polska
Experienced in realisation of big, international industrial projects, especially in the fields of new location development, logistics consulting, planning and design of new production and logistics infrastructure, costs optimisation and comprehensive project management. Interested in implementation of new management strategies and organisation structures, as well as negotiations and dealing with unpredictable situations, where finding new solutions requires development of new approaches and procedures. Managed a number of big projects on three continents – Europe, America and Asia, with excellent feedback from the clients. Responsible also for managing a team of architects, engineers and construction and logistics consultants at the Polish branch of Metroplan Group in their two offices, in Wrocław and Warsaw. Graduated in Logistics at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering from Wrocław University of Science and Technology.

Prof. Janusz Jurczak
Department of Chemistry Warsaw Univerity, Institute of Organic Chemistry Polish Academy of Science
Janusz Jurczak is a full professor at the Institute of Organic Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Faculty of Chemistry at the University of Warsaw. He is engaged in research in the field of organic and supramolecular chemistry. He is a full member of the Polish Academy of Sciences, an ordinary member of the TNW.

Roman Kantorski
President of the Polish Chamber of Automotive Industry
He was born in Warsaw in 1947. He is a graduate of the Faculty of Automotive and Machinery Engineering at the Warsaw University of Technology (PW). He was an employee of the Institute of Vehicles PW, where he worked during 1971-1991, where one of his responsibilities was conducting research of cars in cooperation with the most outstanding creators of Polish automotive industry (Professor L. Jaśkiewicz and Professor K. Pionnier). He started his own Authorized Fiat Repair Station in Warsaw in 1983 - one of the first private authorized Fiat service in Poland. He is a member of the Automotive Craft Guild in Warsaw since 1989 and a member of the Presidium in the National Chamber of Commerce. He is a member of the Board in the Polish Chamber of Automotive Industry since 1994 and he became the vice president in 2001. Since April 2003 Mr. Roman Kantorski has been holding position of the President in the Chamber.

Prof. Jacek Kijeński
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Mechanics and Petrochemistry, Warsaw University of Technology
Wybitny specjalista w dziedzinie chemii i technologii chemicznej w zakresie kierunków i strategii rozwoju przemysłu chemicznego, katalizy, przemysłowej syntezy organicznej i recyklingu odpadów z tworzyw sztucznych.Prof. dr hab. inż. Jacek Kijeński. Profesor zwyczajny Politechniki Warszawskiej, profesor Instytutu Chemii Przemysłowej. Prezes SITPChem od 2002 r. Członek Prezydium Komitetu Chemii PAN, Ekspert NCN i NCBiR, Koordynator Polskiej Platformy Technologicznej Wodoru i Ogniw Paliwowych, Ekspert Panelu Głównego Foresight Polska 2020. 200 publikacji, 40 patentów, kilkanaście projektów procesowych. Konsultant sektora wielkiej syntezy chemicznej.

Prof. Michał Kleiber
Vice President of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, President of ECCOMAS
Jest specjalistą w zakresie zastosowań nowoczesnych technik komputerowych w badaniach naukowych, technice i medycynie. Zajmuje się także problematyką prorozwojowej polityki państwa, a w szczególności strategią rozwoju edukacji, nauki i innowacyjności gospodarki. Jest autorem bądź współautorem ponad 240 prac naukowych oraz 7 książek opublikowanych w wydawnictwach o światowej renomie.Jest członkiem rad redakcyjnych kilkunastu międzynarodowych czasopism naukowych, w tym redaktorem naczelnym prestiżowego czasopisma o światowym obiegu “Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering” (Springer). Jest laureatem licznych nagród, w tym najbardziej prestiżowej krajowej nagrody naukowej przyznawanej przez Fundację na rzecz Nauki Polskiej oraz Medalem Królestwa Belgii za osiągnięcia innowacyjne. Posiada wysokie odznaczenia państwowe przyznane przez Prezydenta Francji i Cesarza Japonii. Jest doktorem honoris causa uczelni w Lublinie, Krakowie, Warszawie, Bydgoszczy, Gliwicach, Darmstadt (RFN), Mons (Belgia) oraz Polskiego Uniwersytetu na Obczyźnie w Londynie. Został także wybrany członkiem Austriackiej Akademii Nauk, Europejskiej Akademii Nauk i Sztuk w Salzburgu oraz Akademii Europejskiej w Londynie. Jest członkiem Rady Programowej organizacji „Science and Technology for Society Forum” w Kioto, Japonia. Przez wiele lat wykładał na uniwersytetach w RFN, USA i Japonii.W latach 1995 – 2001 prof. Kleiber był dyrektorem Instytutu Podstawowych Problemów Techniki PAN, w latach 1998 – 2001 reprezentował Polskę w Radzie Gubernatorów Centrum Badawczego UE oraz był polskim delegatem do Komitetu Sterującego “Zrównoważony wzrost” w ramach V Programu Ramowego UE. W latach 2001 – 2005 był ministrem nauki i informatyzacji, przewodniczącym Komitetu Badań Naukowych oraz przewodniczącym Rządowego Komitetu ds. Umów Offsetowych. W roku 2005 prof. Kleiber został wybrany członkiem Europejskiej Rady Nauki oraz prezesem European Materials Forum. W latach 2006 – 2010 pełnił funkcję Społecznego Doradcy Prezydenta RP ds. edukacji i badań.

Prof.Andrzej Kolasa
Dean of the Faculty of Production Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology
Profesor Politechniki Warszawskiej na Wydziale Inżynierii Produkcji gdzie pełni od 2012 roku również funkcję dziekana. W latach 2002-2016 profesor Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Zawodowej w Ciechanowie, którą kierował przez dziesięć lat pełniąc funkcję rektora.Urodził się w 1948 roku w Lublinie. Studia ukończył na Wydziale Mechanicznym Technologicznym (obecnie Inżynierii Produkcji) Politechniki Warszawskiej uzyskując w 1973 roku dyplom magistra inżyniera, a potem kolejno stopnie: doktora nauk technicznych w 1981 roku i doktora habilitowanego w 1991 roku. Tytuł profesora otrzymał z rąk Prezydenta RP w lutym 2015 roku. Wykształcił wielu inżynierów i magistrów inżynierów, wypromował ośmiu doktorów. Poza Politechniką Warszawską i PWSZ Ciechanowie wykładał lub prowadził badania naukowe na kilku uczelniach europejskich oraz w Japonii, Chinach i Tanzanii.Prof. A. Kolasa jest autorem ponad stu sześćdziesięciu prac opublikowanych w kraju i zagranicą, wielu ekspertyz i projektów oraz ponad czterdziestu wdrożeń przemysłowych z zakresu spawalnictwa. Jest członkiem rad naukowych oraz kilku towarzystw naukowych i rad programowych czasopism naukowo-technicznych w kraju i zagranicą. Posiada dyplom Europejskiego Inżyniera Spawalnika EWE. Oprócz pracy zawodowej aktywnie uczestniczy w pracach organizacji działających na rzecz rozwoju gospodarczego regionu i kraju.Za całokształt pracy został odznaczony m. in. Brązowym i Złotym Krzyżem Zasługi, Medalem Komisji Edukacji Narodowej, Srebrną i Złotą Odznaką Honorową SIMP, Odznaką im. Henryka Mierzejewskiego, Medalem im. inż. Stanisława Olszewskiego przyznawanym za wybitne osiągnięcia dla rozwoju spawalnictwa w Polsce, Honorową Odznaką „Zasłużony dla Mazowsza” oraz honorowymi tytułami zasłużony dla miast Ciechanowa i Mławy.

Remigiusz Kopoczek
President of Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju

Jędrzej Kowalczyk
President of the Board, Fanuc Polska
Jędrzej Kowalczyk is customer oriented business unit executive with strong engineering, sales and marketing experience. His interest in science and technology began in the early childhood thus the choice of the university was a simple matter. Jędrzej Kowalczyk is a graduate of robotics and automation at the Gdańsk University of Technology. He started his professional career at FANUC, as a Technical Specialist, in 2009. He was then quickly promoted to the position of the Service Coordinator (2010), Customer Service Coordinator (2012) and a number of new challenges and opportunities opened for him. In 2014 was appointed as the new Office Manager of FANUC Polska and one year later took office as General Manager of FANUC Polska. His main goal is to deliver the latest technology used in automation of production to Polish factories with full support of FANUC local staff.

Prof. dr hab. inż. Janusz Lewandowski
Professor at the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering of the Warsaw University of Technology
He is a professor at the Warsaw University of Technology. In the years 1993-2012 he was the director of the Institute of Thermal Technology at the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering. Currently, he is the President of the Management Board of the Institute of Applied Research of the Warsaw University of Technology Sp. z o.o. - PW special purpose vehicle dealing with the commercialization of research results. He conducts scientific and technical activities related to the modernization of energy equipment, the impact of energy on the environment and programming of the development of the generation sector in the energy sector. He is the author and co-author of over 200 publications and articles. He has completed over 100 scientific and research works, mainly commissioned by the industry. He is a co-author of 7 patents and a laureate of the SIEMENS Prize and the Prime Minister's Award for scientific works implemented in industrial practice. He promoted 11 doctors. He was a member of the Central Committee for Degree Rights and Titles, Chairman of the Committee on Energy Problems of the Polish Academy of Sciences and a member of the Thermodynamics and Combustion Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

Jarosław Michalak
Group Development Partner, Michelin

Beata Radomska
CEO of Executive Club
A graduate of the Faculty of Humanities of the Catholic University of Lublin and the University of Insurance and Banking (later Academy of Finance). Also a graduate of the MBA studies at the Kozminski University in Warsaw. In 1995-1996 she worked as a German translator at Hit Centrala Usługowa (later Tesco), in 1996-1998 at the Austrian brokerage company Allfinanz (a financial institution associated with the insurance and pension funds industry). From 1998 to 2002, he was a Sales Manager at Skarbiec Emerytura and Skarbiec Serwis Finansowy. From 2003 to 2005, Development Director in the HRC Group. From 2005, President of the Executive Club.

Jacek Siwiński
President of the Board, VELUX Polska
The President of VELUX Polska, responsible for planning and implementing the company's development strategy, sets the directions for communication and assumptions of the corporate social responsibility policy. A graduate of the Warsaw University of Technology, postgraduate management studies at the Warsaw School of Economics, as well as the Executive MBA program at the Warsaw University of Technology Business School. From the beginning of his career, he has been associated with the construction industry.

Grzegorz Słomkowski
Member of the Board,
Polish Investment & Trade Agency
Since 2019 Member of the Management Board of Polish Investment and Trade Agency. Resposible for FDI investments and operations of the Agency. Grzegorz Słomkowski has over twenty years of experience in financial and general management, which he gained while working in both international and Polish companies. He began his career at LG when the company first entered the Polish market, he participating in the creation of the company's first structures and first production plants. Then he worked in the Management Consulting Department of Deloitte & Touche. Working on projects related to the implementation of integrated IT management systems, mainly in the financial sector, as well as in restructuring and organizational consulting. Initially, for several years, he was the Financial Director, and later the President of the Management Board of the Japanese JVCKENWOOD, where he was responsible both for Poland and the entire region. He also held managerial functions in the European and global structures of the organization. For eight years, Grzegorz was the Chairman of the Council of the Association of Importers and Manufacturers of Electrical and Electronic Equipment - "ZIPSEE CYFROWA POLSKA" - a non-profit employers' organization associating the largest RTV and IT companies operating in Poland. For four years, he was the President of the Management Board of a company that distributes Clearplex industrial foils from the American MADICO group. As a Certified Change Management and Strategy Advisor to companies and adviser to technology startups. He participated in building startup companies in the field of telematics and insurance. Grzegorz Słomkowski graduated from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of Warsaw University of Technology, Executive MBA in Business from the Business School of Warsaw University of Technology / London Business School / HEC Paris / NHH (Bergen), the Faculty of Management and Marketing of the University of Warsaw, MBA studies from the University of Illinois, the Academy of Psychological Leadership at the Warsaw University of Technology.

Michał Skorupa
President of the Board, Foton Technik
Michał Skorupa has over eighteen years of experience in sales, development and implementation of corporate strategies and processes, as well as in building teams in the various corporate areas . For ten years he has been engaged in the industrial power, and for six years in photovoltaics and renewable energetics, at the national and foreign level. As an expert in this industry, he actively participates in issuing opinions on legal acts and statutes dedicated to the energy technology sector. In July 2019 he has been appointed to the Chief Executive Officer of FOTON Technik Sp. z o.o.. With the E.ON Group and innogy Polska S.A. he has been related since 2011, including a member of the Supervisory Board position. Successfully developing business in the area of strategy, sales and operations, thanks to which Foton Technik is one of the leading companies in Poland in the Renewable Energy Sources sector. He is the Warsaw School of Economics (SGH) graduate, where in 2017 he obtained the title of Master of Business Administration (MBA).

Paweł Stefański
Regional Vice President Central Eastern Europe, Balluff

Dr. Paweł Urbański, Eng.
Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Columbus Energy, Director of Business School of the Warsaw University of Technology
Director and lecturer at the Warsaw University of Technology Business School. Doctor in Economics from Imperial College London, holds an engineering degree and an MBA from the Warsaw University of Technology. Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Columbus Energy, former member of the Management Board of PSE and President of PGE. He supervised and co-created consulting and investment projects for major Polish and international energy companies.

Wojciech Znojek
Managing Director, VP Sales, SABUR
Co-founder of SABUR Sp. z o.o. For over 25 years he has been associated with the IT and automation industries. In the company, he is responsible for contacts with the company's foreign partners, the sale of their products and solutions successfully introduced to the Polish market, and the development of the distribution network. He has many years of and diverse experience in implementing infrastructure, industrial and building automation systems. He attaches great importance to reliability in running a business, the principles of sustainable development and pro-employee activities. He is a member of the Industry and Program Council of the Faculty of Mechatronics of the Warsaw University of Technology, and works in several business organizations. A graduate of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the Warsaw University of Technology.
previous editions
Coverage on the XII edition of the Green Industry Summit
The 10th edition of Top Industry Summit
Industry of the future: a report from the Top Industry Summit
Modern industry in a nutshell – report from Top Industry Summit
Mirosław Witkowski
tel: +48 510-105-474
Małgorzata Topolska
tel: +48 570-105-450
Media & Patronages:
Janusz Gil
tel: +48 570-105-464