Robert Daniluk

Robert Daniluk

Sustainability Director

A member of the International Project Team responsible for preparation of the Global Purchasing Policy based on the corporate social responsibility principles and Product Compliance for Lyreco branches around the world. Implementing, together with his Polish team, pilot projects for product compliance and sustainable supplier assessment for the Lyreco Group. He has been working for Lyreco Polska since 2004, being a part of the company management team. Previously he gained experience at BRE Bank (mBank) and Inter Polska in the area of ​​organization management. PhD in economics, specializing in integrated management systems. A graduate of Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin and the Warsaw University of Technology. Parallel to his active professional life he is a university lecturer in the field of management systems, ethics and CSR.

Bartosz Dominiak

Bartosz Dominiak

Deputy Mayor of Ursynów, Smart City Expert&Blogger

Absolwent studiów magisterskich w ramach Międzynarodowych Stosunków Gospodarczych i Politycznych w Szkole Głównej Handlowej w Warszawie oraz studiów podyplomowych w Collegium Civitas z zakresu Prognozowania, Planowania Strategicznego i Foresight’u. Ukończył również Szkołę Praw Człowieka w Helsińskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka. Wiele lat pracował w instytucjach publicznych zarówno centralnych, jak i samorządowych. W latach 2006-2010 był radnym Warszawy, a w latach 2011-2015 pracował w Urzędzie Dzielnicy Ursynów. Specjalista w zakresie PR i komunikacji zewnętrznej, szczególnie z wykorzystaniem nowych mediów. Jednak od 3,5 roku udziela się jako ekspert zajmujący się problematyką rozwoju smart cities w Polsce, szczególnie w kontekście zrównoważonego rozwoju miast. Autor projektu Smart City Blog. Mówca, a także uczestnik i moderator wielu paneli dyskusyjnych na ten temat. Wiceprzewodniczący Otwartego Ursynowa. Rocznik 1976. Od 30 marca 1977 r. mieszka na Ursynowie Północnym.

Iwona Jacaszek-Pruś

Iwona Jacaszek-Pruś

Corporate Director, Kompania Piwowarska

Od 2017 roku dyrektor ds. korporacyjnych w Kompanii Piwowarskiej SA odpowiadająca za całokształt działań public relations firmy, członek zespołu zarządzającego firmą. W latach 2003 – 2016 odpowiadała za podobny obszar będąc członkiem zespołu zarządzającego Coca-Cola HBC Polska. Zdobywała także doświadczenie zawodowe w British-American Tobacco Polska, w agencji Burson-Marsteller, w Gdańskim Instytucie Badań nad Gospodarką Rynkową oraz w firmie ABC Consulting. Prowadziła ponadto wykłady z zakresu strategii marketingowych oraz zintegrowanej komunikacji marketingowej w Canadian International Management Institute. Jest absolwentką Handlu Zagranicznego na Uniwersytecie Gdańskim. Pełni funkcję wiceprzewodniczącej Komitetu Wykonawczego Związku Pracodawców Przemysłu Piwowarskiego w Polsce. W latach 2004 – 2016 członek Zarządu, od 2010 roku pełniąc funkcję wiceprezesa Polskiej Federacji Producentów Żywności Związek Pracodawców. W latach 2003-2016 członek Rady Nadzorczej Rekopol Organizacja Odzysku Opakowań SA, od 2006 pełniąc rolę Przewodniczącej Rady.

Prof. Janusz Jurczak

Prof. Janusz Jurczak

Department of Chemistry Warsaw Univerity, Institute of Organic Chemistry Polish Academy of Science

Janusz Jurczak is a full professor at the Institute of Organic Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Faculty of Chemistry at the University of Warsaw. He is engaged in research in the field of organic and supramolecular chemistry. He is a full member of the Polish Academy of Sciences, an ordinary member of the TNW.


Mateusz Bartoszcze

Mateusz Bartoszcze

Deputy Director of Cracow EIB SA Branch, Legal Advisor,
Academic Teacher

Dorota Jagodzińska-Sasson

Dorota Jagodzińska-Sasson

Managing Director,

Jacek Figuła

Jacek Figuła

Chief Commercial Officer,
Billon Group

Jacek Figuła, an investor and Chief Commercial Officer of Billon, a company that reinvented the Distributed Ledger Technology to manage money, tokens, data, and identity based on its own blockchain layer. Also investor and advisor to cybersecurity companies. Before, 25+ years’ experience in sales leadership and team leading in global corporations, namely: Cisco, UPC, Nortel, DEC and Siemens. Most recently, at Cisco, Jacek has been leading the services and solution sales teams in CEE. Holder of MBA at POU - Thames Valley University in London and MSc in Technology at EFP – Franco-Polish Grande Ecole.

Jędrzej Kowalczyk

Jędrzej Kowalczyk

Fanuc Polska

Absolwent automatyki i robotyki na Politechnice Gdańskiej. Z polskim oddziałem FANUC związany od stycznia 2009 roku. Początkowo zatrudniony jako inżynier serwisu robotów, w 2010 r. awansował na szefa serwisu robotów, by w 2012 r. stać się doradcą klientów w zakresie robotyzacji produkcji. Szeroka wiedza, pasja i zaangażowanie w pracę przyczyniły się do szybkiego awansu na stanowisko dyrektora odpowiedzialnego za koordynowanie sprzedaży wszystkich produktów spółki na rynku krajowym, a w kwietniu 2015r. zaowocowały nominacją na stanowisko prezesa zarządu spółki FANUC Polska. Za główny cel swoich działań uważa aktywne wspieranie polskich producentów w poprawie konkurencyjności rynkowej poprzez zapewnianie im niezawodnych technologii produkcyjnych wraz ze wsparciem polskich inżynierów.

Dariusz Kwieciński

Dariusz Kwieciński

Fujitsu Polska

Dariusz Kwieciński ma blisko 20-letnie doświadczenie w branży IT. Od momentu dołączenia do Fujitsu w 2006 roku obejmował stanowiska managerskie Service Manager, Service Director, Head of Services i Country Head of Sales w Polsce. Jest absolwentem Politechniki Warszawskiej. Podkreśla, że celem Fujitsu Polska jest wsparcie polskich firm w transformacji cyfrowej, szczególnie w trzech podstawowych dla poszukiwania innowacji obszarach: Data Protection, End User Services i Data Center Transformation.

Artur Pollak

Artur Pollak

APA Group

Ekspert w zakresie komputerowych systemów sterowania. Przewodził realizacji kilkunastu projektów związanych z automatyzacją skomplikowanych procesów technologicznych, tworząc fabryki określane mianem Industry 4.0 w Europie i Chinach, współpracując z takimi koncernami jak: VW, GM, Daimler oraz Siemens. Był konsultantem technicznym podczas budowy fabryki VW Poznań, gdzie odpowiadał za standaryzację i optymalizację procesu produkcyjnego. Obecnie pełni rolę Prezesa Zarządu APA Sp. z o.o. i APA Innovative Sp. z o.o, jest także Członkiem Rady Programowej Wydziału Elektrycznego Politechniki Śląskiej.

Marta Wojciechowska

Marta Wojciechowska


Marta Wojciechowska jest Prezeską Zarządu Fiberhost (wcześniej INEA) – jednego z liderów w budowie i zarządzaniu nowoczesną, otwartą infrastrukturą światłowodową typu FTTH (ang. Fiber-To-The-Home, światłowód do domu) w Polsce. Spółka świadczy usługi hurtowe dla lokalnych i ogólnopolskich dostawców telekomunikacyjnych. Dzięki temu mieszkańcy znajdujący się w zasięgu otwartej sieci światłowodowej Fiberhost, mogą korzystać z szerokiej oferty usług internetowych oraz telewizyjnych, a operatorzy mają dostęp do bogatej oferty usług hurtowych. Obecnie w zasięgu otwartych sieci światłowodowych Fiberhost znajduje się blisko 1 mln gospodarstw domowych w 8 województwach w kraju. Marta Wojciechowska z Grupą związana jest od ponad 12 lat. Wcześniej zajmowała stanowisko Członkini Zarządu i odpowiadała za całokształt spraw prawnych, compliance, dział ochrony danych osobowych, cyberbezpieczeństwo oraz EHS. Posiada bogate doświadczenie w projektach regulatory compliance, doradzała w zakresie implementacji wymogów regulacyjnych oraz zarządzania ryzykiem. Uczestniczyła także w międzynarodowych transakcjach M&A, nadzorując i odpowiadając za przebieg procesu w obszarze analiz prawnych.

Leszek Kąsek

Leszek Kąsek

Senior Economist in the Economic Research Team, ING Bank Śląski

Leszek Kąsek jest starszym ekonomistą w Biurze Analiz Makroekonomicznych w ING Banku Śląskim w Warszawie, odpowiedzialnym za zrównoważony rozwój, transformację energetyczną i zielone finanse w Polsce. Leszek dołączył do ING w sierpniu 2019 r., wcześniej pracował w Ministerstwie Finansów, Banku Światowym i Deloitte. Leszek jest absolwentem Szkoły Głównej Handlowej i uzyskał tytuł doktora nauk ekonomicznych na tej samej uczelni.

Maciej Kraus

Maciej Kraus

Partner, Movens Capital SA

Andrzej Losor

Andrzej Losor

Marketing and Communication Director, Górażdże Group

Z Grupą Górażdże związany od ponad 15 lat. Swoją karierę zawodową rozpoczynał w strukturach sprzedażowych, pełniąc funkcję szefa regionu sprzedaży. W latach 2003-2008 pełnił funkcję konsultanta ds. sprzedaży z ramienia koncernu HeidelbergCement Group na Ukrainie, odpowiadając za budowę zespołu sprzedażowego i procesu sprzedażowego. Podobną rolę pełnił w latach 2011-2012 w Kazachstanie. Od 2013 roku zarządza działem marketingu i komunikacji Grupy Górażdże, pełniąc jednocześnie funkcję wiceprzewodniczącego rady programowej Fundacji Górażdże – Aktywni w Regionie. Jest aktywnie zaangażowany w prace stowarzyszeń branżowych Stowarzyszenia Producentów Cementu, Stowarzyszenia Producentów Betonu Towarowego, a także Polskiego Stowarzyszenia Budownictwa Ekologicznego. Ekonomista, absolwent Uniwersytetu Opolskiego i Akademii Ekonomicznej we Wrocławiu, a także prestiżowych międzynarodowych programów rozwojowych realizowanych w koncernie HeidelbergCement. Jest ekspertem w dziedzinie zarządzania doświadczeniami klientów, zarządzania zmianą i CSR, a także trenerem biznesu.

Łukasz Ludwisiak

Łukasz Ludwisiak

Sustainable Development Manager, Lafarge w Polsce

Łukasz Ludwisiak jest związany z Lafarge od 2011 roku. Z wykształcenia jest przyrodnikiem. Od początku pracy zaangażowany w proces uzyskiwania decyzji środowiskowych i koncesjonowania złóż kruszyw. Odpowiedzialny za zarządzanie różnorodnością biologiczną na obszarach działania Lafarge w Polsce oraz za zarządzanie interesariuszami. Członek zespołów pracujących nad rozwojem zakładów górniczych, łagodzeniem wpływu na środowisko oraz współpracy ze społecznościami lokalnymi. Odpowiada za wdrażanie i realizację polityki zrównoważonego rozwoju w organizacji.

Krzysztof Mazurek

Krzysztof Mazurek

Member of the Board, Bayer Polska

Adwokat. Członek Warszawskiej Okręgowej Rady Adwokackiej. Karierę zaczynał w międzynarodowej kancelarii prawnej CMS doradzając firmom farmaceutycznym w zakresie regulacji sektorowych oraz zamówień publicznych. Następnie pracował w dziale rozwiązywania sporów amerykańskiej kancelarii prawnej White & Case, gdzie szczególnie specjalizował się w prawie karnym gospodarczym wspierając firmy z różnych sektorów w obliczu postępowań sądowych, wyjaśniających, inwestygacji oraz prowadząc szkolenia z tego zakresu. Karierę in-house Krzysztof rozpoczął w Eli Lilly prowadząc obsługę prawną grupy w Europie środkowo-wschodniej. Obecnie Krzysztof kieruje zespołem Legal & Compliance Bayer w grupie krajów CEE specjalizując się w zagadnieniach prawa reklamy i promocji, compliance, konkurencji oraz danych osobowych.

Mirosław Mila

Mirosław Mila

CTO, Omega Innowacje

Jest wiceprezesem zarządu ds. technicznych w firmie Omega Innowacje Sp. z o.o. – wynalazcą, współautorem innowacji, technologiem. Posiada wykształcenie wyższe zdobyte w na dwóch uczelniach – Politechnice Śląskiej w Gliwicach oraz Akademii Ekonomicznej w Katowicach, Doświadczenie zawodowe zdobywał jako audytor i projektant systemów wentylacyjnych w firmie Mitrex, posiada doświadczenie z branży budowlanej, budowy zadaniowych zespołów ludzkich oraz w zarządzaniu zespołami a także w prowadzeniu projektów inwestycyjnych. Posiada ponad dziesięcioletnie doświadczenie jako audytor energetyczny, posługuje się jez. angielskim

Prof. Bolesław Rok

Prof. Bolesław Rok

Department of Entrepreneurship and Ethics in Business, Kozminski University

Dyrektor Centrum Etyki Biznesu i Innowacji Społecznych Akademii Leona Koźmińskiego. Od trzydziestu lat związany z biznesem jako przedsiębiorca i doradca. Współzałożyciel Forum Odpowiedzialnego Biznesu, współautor corocznego Rankingu Odpowiedzialnych Firm dla Dziennika Gazety Prawnej, koordynator międzynarodowych projektów z zakresu innowacji na rzecz zrównoważonego rozwoju. Pełnomocnik Zarządu ds. etyki w PGNiG SA. Członek Rady Programowej Instytutu Innowacyjna Gospodarka, Komisji Sędziowskiej Polish National Sales Awards, konkursu Dyrektor Marketingu Roku, Rady Nadzorczej mFundacji, Rady Programowej United Nations Global Compact, Sieci Sensownego Biznesu.

Jacek Siwiński

Jacek Siwiński

President of the Board, VELUX Polska

The President of VELUX Polska, responsible for planning and implementing the company's development strategy, sets the directions for communication and assumptions of the corporate social responsibility policy. A graduate of the Warsaw University of Technology, postgraduate management studies at the Warsaw School of Economics, as well as the Executive MBA program at the Warsaw University of Technology Business School. From the beginning of his career, he has been associated with the construction industry.

Adam Targowski

Adam Targowski

Member of the Board, Polish Green Building Council

Adam Targowski pełni funkcję menedżera ds. zrównoważonego rozwoju w Skanska Commercial Development Europe – spółce biurowej realizującej inwestycje w regionie Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej. Zespół, którym kieruje, jest odpowiedzialny za wyznaczanie projektom celów w zakresie zrównoważonego rozwoju, a także certyfikację budynków biurowych grupy Skanska w tej części Europy i inwestycji mieszkaniowych w Polsce. Do jego zadań należy wsparcie zespołu projektowego w zagadnieniach związanych z tematami Health & Wellbeing, polegającymi na tworzeniu zdrowej i komfortowej przestrzeni biurowej, jak również kształtowaniu przestrzeni publicznej, zgodnie z ideą placemakingu – w taki sposób, aby były przyjazne dla ludzi i otwarte dla lokalnych społeczności. Zespół Adama współpracuje z najemcami w działaniach mających na celu podnoszenie świadomości w zakresie efektywnego wykorzystywania przestrzeni biurowych oraz nowych technologii.Adam Targowski dołączył do zespołu Skanska w 2013 roku jako Project Leader. Jego doświadczenie jest związane ze współpracą z firmą Go4Energy przy świadczeniu usług doradczych i szkoleniowych w zakresie kształtowania strategii zrównoważonego rozwoju, racjonalnego gospodarowania energią oraz certyfikacji projektów. 1 stycznia 2016 roku objął stanowisko menedżera ds. zrównoważonego rozwoju w Skanska Commercial Development Europe. Jest także aktywnym członkiem organizacji zajmujących się promocją zrównoważonego budownictwa w regionie CEE: RICS, Urban Land Institute i Polskim Stowarzyszeniu Budownictwa Ekologicznego PLGBC, gdzie jest Członkiem Zarządu.

Waldemar Witczak

Waldemar Witczak

Regional Director, SEGRO

Z branżą nieruchomości związany od ponad 20 lat, zaś z SEGRO od 2008 roku. Odpowiada za portfel nieruchomości zlokalizowanych w Poznaniu, Polsce Centralnej oraz w Warszawie. Aktywny członek PMI, IPMA oraz RICS. Absolwent Politechniki Poznańskiej.

Kamil Wyszkowski

Kamil Wyszkowski

Representative and Executive Director, United Nations Global Compact Network Poland

Kamil Wyszkowski is an expert in international law. He holds the National Representative of United Nations Secretary General Initiative Global Compact in Poland – UNGC. He was working as a general director of UNDP in Poland. He also has much experience in implementing development programs abroad.

Piotr Zacharski

Piotr Zacharski

Expert, Institute of Environmental Protection – National Research Institute

Absolwent Wydziału Mechanicznego, Wydziału Budownictwa oraz Studiów podyplomowych Polityka Ochrony Środowiska, Ekologia i Zarządzanie. W IOŚ-PIB pracuje w Ośrodku Zrównoważonego Rozwoju, gdzie zajmuje się projektami z zakresu energetyki, ciepłownictwa, najlepszych dostępnych technik BAT, samowystarczalności energetycznej gmin, niskiej emisji. Doświadczenie zawodowe zdobywał w przedsiębiorstwach zajmującym się wytwarzaniem i dystrybucją energii elektrycznej i ciepła. Ponadto w pracy zawodowej w KOBiZE zajmował się raportowaniem, monitorowaniem i weryfikacją emisji gazów cieplarnianych w ramach europejskiego systemu handlu emisjami EU-ETS. Pracował przy realizacji projektów mających na celu zmniejszenie strat energii na przesyle ciepła, samowystarczalności energetycznej gmin, adaptacji do zmian klimatów sektora energetycznego w miastach, przeciwdziałania zjawisku niskiej emisji (SMOG, CZYSTE POWIETRZE). Autor lub współautor publikacji związanych z ochroną środowiska w energetyce i adaptacją do zmian klimatu, analiz i projektów w zakresie niskiej emisji, kotłów małej mocy, transportu niskoemisyjnego.

Michał Ziajowski

Michał Ziajowski

President of the Board, Precia Polska

Absolwent University of Minnesota, MBA oraz Politechniki Warszawskiej kierunek Budownictwo Hydrotechniczne. Karierę związał z największymi firmami z branży przemysłowej i automatyki. Obecnie zaangażowany w projekty automatyzacji produkcji energii w czołowych elektrowniach w Polsce.

Prof. Grzegorz Mazurek

Prof. Grzegorz Mazurek

Rector of Koźmiński University

Titular professor specializing in strategies for digital transformation of organizations, e-commerce and e-marketing. He is particularly interested in the changes that digitalization processes bring about in the higher education sector. He is also the Director of the Digital Transformation Research Centre – CYBERMAN, a member of EFMD Advisory Board for the Central and Eastern Europe region and a member of the Board of the Forum Management Education Association. Since 2020 he has served as President of the International Advisory Board of the French university ISC Paris. In 2016-18 he was a member of the Council for Digitalization at the Minister of Digitalization. His achievements include several dozen English and Polish chapters, scientific articles, books published in the most important journals and publications on management science in Poland and worldwide, including Cambridge University Press, Emerald Publishing, Routledge, European Management Journal, Business Horizons, he is the author of the book “Digital Transformation”. (PWN, 2019) and editor and co-author of the handbook “E-marketing – planning, tools and practice”. (Poltext, 2018), awarded by the Polish Academy of Sciences. From 2012 to 2020, he held the position of Vice Rector for Foreign Cooperation at Kozminski University, responsible for the overall strategy of internationalisation and marketing of the university. He is also the coordinator of the Koźmiński MBA Digital program and post-graduate studies related to digital economy: Internet Marketing, E-commerce, Business Digital Transformation and Manager in Industry 4.0. He was a visiting professor in such centers as, among others, the University of Warsaw: ESCP Europe, SKEMA Business School and École de Management de Normandie (France), ISCTE (Portugal), Nottingham Trent University (UK), Soongsil University (South Korea), Universidad del Pacifico (Peru), Univeristy of Reykjavik (Iceland). Repeatedly awarded for his publication and scientific achievements. In 2015 he was awarded the LUMEN statuette for university management leaders. In 2017 he was awarded the Eduinspirator (FRSE) statuette for those who are active in the field of education, contributing to positive changes in the environment. In 2020 he was awarded the Star of Internationalisation Award in the research category by the “Perspektywy” Foundation. During his term of office, Kozminski University has been repeatedly recognized as the most internationalized university in Poland. Grzegorz Mazurek closely cooperates with the electronic economy environment, including the Chamber of Electronic Economy, Digital Poland Foundation and Interactive Advertising Bureau. He has carried out projects for such brands as: Nokia, Nikon, Polpharma, Egmont, PZU, Michelin, IKEA, Mars Corp., Vivus.

Magdalena Burzyńska

Magdalena Burzyńska

Managing Director,
Ayming Polska

Managing Director of the Polish branch of Ayming - an international advisory group supporting enterprises in the optimal conduct of operational activities and increasing financial results. She has been working for Ayming (formerly Alma Consulting Group) for over 14 years - first as a Consultant in France, and then as a Consulting Director in Poland. Since 2011, he has been shaping the strategic direction of Ayming Polska. Provides clients with professional support in obtaining financing for innovations (relief for research and development, IP Box, subsidies). Responsible for the concept and implementation of solutions on the Polish market aimed at reducing fees for real estate tax and accident premiums. A graduate of Law at Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, Management at Université Paris Dauphine, and General Management Program at Harvard Business School in Boston.

Dawid Cycoń

Dawid Cycoń

President of the Board, Founder,
ML System

The originator and co-founder of ML System S.A., which successfully debuted on the Warsaw Stock Exchange in June 2018. In ML System S.A. he also acts as the General Director, co-creates the company's development strategy based on the development and transfer of research results to an industrial scale. Originator and producer of the ML System S.A. Photovoltaic Research Center. He co-created the market for BIPV and Smart City products. Co-author of 13 granted patents, 6 utility models covered by protection law, as well as publications in the field of photovoltaic cells and modules. From 2019, he is a member of the Entrepreneurship Council at the President of the Republic of Poland, and from 2020, the coordinator of the work of the group for the development of new photovoltaic segments and integration with the grid established by the Ministry of Climate and Environment.

Andrzej Stanisław Augustyński

Andrzej Stanisław Augustyński

President of the Board, SIEMACHA Association

The initiator and the president of the board of the SIEMACHA Association, a public benefit organisation operating in the field of education, sports and therapy; President of the board of the DEMOS Foundation; member of the international organisation for social entrepreneurs Ashoka. Since 1986 he has collaborated with social organisations in Malta. He is a connoisseur of Maltese culture and its promoter. Since 1999 he has collaborated with the local government of Krakow as the coordinator of the Municipal Program for Juvenile Delinquency Prevention, the representative and social advisor of the President of Krakow in the field of Youth. A member of the Priesthood Council of the Archdiocese of Krakow 2001-2011. In 2000 he started the construction of the multifunctional children’s centre in Odporyszów with reverend Kazimierz Augustyński. The centre comprises: an orphanage, a day care facility, a holiday centre and a modern sports centre. Reverend Andrzej Augustyński received many awards i.a. the title of the Cracovian of the Year 2014 in the category “Society”. In 2014 he received the Grand Prix Amicus Hominum, Pro Publico Bono and the Medal of Merit for the Lesser Poland Voivodeship Palatinatus Poloniae Minoris Meriti. In 2012 he received the Medal of St. George of the “Tygodnik Powszechny” weekly. In 2009 he received the Knight’s Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta for his outstanding merits in his activities for the needy and for his achievements in his professional and social work. He wrote the books “Coca kocha colę” (Coca Loves Cola), “Czyja jest socjoterapia?” (Who Owns Sociotherapy?) and “Wędrowiec” (Wanderer). He initiated and published “Dziennikarstwo i polityka” (Jurnalism and Politics) and “Jan Wnęk. Między niebem a ziemią” (Jan Wnęk. Between the Sky and Earth).

Markus Baltzer

Markus Baltzer

President of the Board, Bayer CEE

Zbigniew Bochniarz

Zbigniew Bochniarz

Department of Entrepreneurship and Ethics in Business, Kozminski University

Joanna Erdman

Joanna Erdman

Vice President of the Board, ING Bank Śląski SA

In her capacity, Joanna Erdman is in charge of the Strategic Clients Division and Financial Markets Division at ING Bank Śląski S.A. in Poland.She started her professional career in 1995 in the Marketing Department in Bank Pekao S.A. She joined ING in 1996 and has since then been related to the area of Strategic Clients, as Department Director, Division Director and, prior to her appointment to Vice-President in 2013, Head of the Strategic Clients Division of ING Bank Śląski.Joanna Erdman is a graduate of the Finance and Statistics Faculty at the Warsaw School of Economics.

Dr n. med. Dorota Hryniewiecka-Firlej

Dr n. med. Dorota Hryniewiecka-Firlej

President of the Board of Pfizer Polska, Internal Medicine Lead;President of the Board of INFARMA

Dorota Hryniewiecka-Firlej graduated from the Medical University in Poznań, with a Ph.D. and the specialization in internal medicine. She has many years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry: Medical Representative and Hospital Treatment Department Manager in Janssen-Cilag, key managerial functions in Novo Nordisk and Wyeth. In Pfizer since 2009, currently Dorota Hryniewiecka-Firlej holds the position of Country Manager Pfizer Poland and Pfizer Internal Medicine Poland Lead, being also a member of Pfizer Innovative Health European Management Board. She is a member of numerous organizations and associations, e.g. INFARMA, Employers of Poland, Executive Club, Business Centre Club. Parallel to an active professional life, she acts for the local community. In spare time, she is dedicated to her passion Gothic manuscripts: she creates and paints illuminations using dyes prepared by herself on the base of medieval recipes.

Prof. Michał Kleiber

Prof. Michał Kleiber

Chairman of the Enterprise, Management and Innovation Council, Vice President of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, President of ECCOMAS

He was the Academy’s President in the years 2007-2010, re-elected for the term 2011-2014. Between 1995 and 2002, Professor Kleiber was the director of the Institute of Fundamental Technological Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences, where since 1986 he has been chairman of the Department of Computational Science and Engineering. In the years 1998-2002 he was member of the Academy’s Presidium and between 1997-2001 he chaired the Board for Directors of the Academy’s research institutes. Prof. Michał Kleiber pursues research in theoretical and applied mechanics as well as information science and applied math. The main subject of his research are applications of state-of-the-art computational techniques in different areas of scientific research, technology and medicine – particularly for modeling, analyzing, simulating and visualizing of complex non-linear thermo- mechanics phenomena. In recent years, he has been actively involved in research and promotion of national innovation policies. Professor Kleiber is an author or co-author of over 240 scientific works and 7 books published by internationally renowned publishing houses. He is a member of editorial boards of 17 leading international scientific journals and the editor-in-chief of the prestigious Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering (Springer). He has also been active in popularizing science by, among others, being a scientific board member for the popular-science journal Wiedza i Życie (Science and Life). Prof. Kleiber is a winner of many awards, including the most prestigious Polish scientific award conferred by the Foundation for Polish Science and the medal granted by the Kingdom of Belgium for innovation achievements. He has been awarded the title of doctor honoris causa by the universities in Lublin, Kraków, Warsaw, Darmstadt (Germany), Mons (Belgium) and The Polish University Abroad, London, U.K. He also holds the ingenieur honoris causa title from the Ecole National d’Ingenieurs in Metz (France). He is a foreign member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts in Salzburg and member of the Academia Europaea in London. He is a full member of the Warsaw Learned Society.Prof. Kleiber lectured and did research during long-term stays at a number of renowned universities world-wide: in Stuttgart, Hannover, Darmstadt and Bochum in Germany; Berkeley, CA and Stoors, CN, USA; Tokyo, Japan; Hong Kong, among others.In the years 1998-2001 Michał Kleiber represented Poland in the EU Joint Research Centre as a member of the Board of Governors and in the “Sustainable Growth” Steering Committee in the 5th Framework Programme. Between 2001 and 2005, he headed the Ministry of Science and Information Technology in the Polish government. From 2002 to 2005, Prof. Kleiber was also the chairman of the Governmental Committee for Offset Contracts. In 2005, he was elected member of the European Research Council (Brussels) and chairman of the European Materials Forum (Strasbourg). In the years 2008 – 2010 he was member of the Governing Council Steering Committee of the European Science Foundation in Strasbourg. He also served as the pro bono science and technology advisor to the President of the Republic of Poland (2006 – 2010).

Marek Krupiński

Marek Krupiński

Executive Director, UNICEF Polska

A graduate of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, in French Philology. His professional career began in the mid-seventies in tourism sector, followed by LOT Polish Airlines in the sales department as well as abroad as the head of LOT’s representative office in Tunisia and North Africa; in 1992 he was appointed the head of the Management Board’s Office, and next the 1st term PLL LOT.SA.’s Management Board member. After system changes in Poland, he was seconded to the Ministry of Defence as the first civilian director of the International Cooperation Department responsible for implementing civilian governance structures. In the years 1996-2002 Director of the Polish commercial office in the French aviation industry group Aerospatiale. In 2003-2006 he worked as the President/Managing Director in one of the most prominent advertising agencies in the Polish market, carrying out a successful programme of debt reduction and restructuring. In the years 2006 to 2007 he returned to LOT Polish Airlines as its Commercial Vice President/Management Board member. In mid-2007, he was appointed by the Council of the Polish National Committee for UNICEF as its Executive Director.

Piotr Mirosław

Piotr Mirosław

President of the Board, Lyreco Polska

Piotr Mirosław has almost 25 years of experience in management of sales, marketing and operations in international companies, both in B2C and B2B markets, in different cultures and organizational structures. Since 2014 heading up Lyreco Poland, being market leader in workplace products and services. Before head of Tech Data in Poland, one of top global IT distributors. Board member of Philips Poland, leading consumer sales and marketing in Poland and Central Europe. Sales Director and Managing Director in LG Electronics Poland. Graduate of Warsaw University of Technology, postgraduate study at Warsaw University, postgraduate program in Business School of Warsaw University of Technology and MBA graduate at University of Illinois.

Prof. Witold Orłowski

Prof. Witold Orłowski

Economist, lecturer at the Warsaw University of Technology Business School

The founder of the NOBE Independent Center for Economic Studies, in 2002-2005 the Head of the Council of Economic Advisers to the President of the Polish Republic, a lecturer in the field of macroeconomics, the author of numerous books and scientific publications in this field.

Beata Pawłowska

Beata Pawłowska

Regional Director, Central Europe, Oriflame Poland

Beata Radomska

Beata Radomska

CEO of Executive Club

A graduate of the Faculty of Humanities of the Catholic University of Lublin and the University of Insurance and Banking (later Academy of Finance). Also a graduate of the MBA studies at the Kozminski University in Warsaw. In 1995-1996 she worked as a German translator at Hit Centrala Usługowa (later Tesco), in 1996-1998 at the Austrian brokerage company Allfinanz (a financial institution associated with the insurance and pension funds industry). From 1998 to 2002, he was a Sales Manager at Skarbiec Emerytura and Skarbiec Serwis Finansowy. From 2003 to 2005, Development Director in the HRC Group. From 2005, President of the Executive Club.

Barbara Rajkowska

Barbara Rajkowska

National Director SOS, Children’s Villages Poland

Born in 1972. She held the position of the Board President in Poland between 2010 and 2016, in March 2016, at the Board’s request, she was appointed the National Director as the person who knows the organisation like no other. She has been linked for many years to the Association and the Children’s Village in Karlino, developed near her home. By education she is an environmental engineer, a graduate of many postgraduate studies in management and the author of publications in the area of leading construction works. She has always acted and worked for the local community. She used to work as the manager of Department of Municipal Services, Environmental Protection and Investment at the Town Hall of Swidwin, she managed significant EU budgets while integrating water and sewer management in the Parsęty basin and built sewerage system in the metropolitan area of Gryfino. Barbara divides her time between her work for one of the large companies in Szczecinek and the Association. Even though she enjoys her work and she has been highly successful in her profession, she does not hide the fact that she works professionally to be able to devote to what is the most important for her, i.e. working for the benefit of abandoned and orphaned children under the care of SOS Children’s Villages in Poland. It was under her leadership when the Association, which is most commonly perceived as SOS Children’s Villages, opened Family Strengthening Programmes in the communes of Karlino and Skórzec. These are preventive programmes for families at risk of breakdown. In the Association’s community centres, the Association’s pedagogues, psychologists and social workers do everything within their power for families to stay together and prevent children from going into foster care. In Poland, there are over 79 thousand children without parental care and nearly 1.5 million children live in poverty. Due to substantial social challenges, the Association wishes to include 3000 children into its care by 2020, that is twice as many as at this moment. This is the most important task for Barbara Rajkowska right now. Therefore she motivates her team to constantly search for new sources of financing, co-operates with many companies who are no strangers to corporate responsibility. Barabara Rajkowska actively battles the foster parenthood crisis, which has been continuing for many years in Poland, by boosting the image of this way of life in the eyes of Polish people. Owing to the efforts almost all the houses in SOS Children’s Villages are filled with children in need growing under the care of attentive SOS parents. The quality of support provided to SOS parents by pedagogues, psychologists or social workers of SOS Children’s Villages is very high. The Director of the Polish Association, being a part of SOS Children’s International, is deeply interested in helping children across the entire globe. This is the reason why she supports actions for development of SOS Children’s Villages in Cameroon. In her private life she is the mum of Hubert, loves diving and dancing.

Prof. Bolesław Rok

Prof. Bolesław Rok

Department of Entrepreneurship and Ethics in Business, Kozminski University

Academic Director of Corporate Responsibility Executive Programme, consultant and lecturer to many professional associations, governmental and commercial organizations. He was a successful entrepreneur for almost 20 years from 1989. Founder of the Responsible Business Forum, affiliated to CSR Europe, Advisory Board Coordinator for UN Global Compact Polska, founder of Responsible Companies Ranking, prepared annually from 2007 and published in the main business newspaper in Poland. He is working as a Chief Ethical Officer for Polish Gas and Oil Company (PGNiG), one of the biggest commercial group in CEE. Member of the special advisory CSR Committee to the Ministry of Economy, Leader of Sensegiving Business Network. He is a jury member in Polish National Sales Award, Marketing Director of the Year Award, Verba Veritatis: An Award for the Best Student’s Thesis on Business Ethics, member of the Advisory Board of Institute for Innovative Economy, mFoundation, etc. He has been a member in several international projects. His research interests lie in the intersection of business ethics, social innovation, corporate responsibility, sharing economy, sustainability and strategic management.

Karolina Sołowow

Karolina Sołowow

President of the Council of Fundacja Fabryki Marzeń

Karolina Sołowow is the originator and founder of Fabryka Marzeń Foundation, chairwoman of Foundation’s Council. Her main goal was always to help children in need. She comes from a family which wanted to help, could help and help. These were actions triggered by impulse, the need of heart. For these years, she knows that charity should be more orderly, permanent and shows others that philanthropy is a great thing. Encouraging others, you have to set an example yourself. Activity of Karolina Sołowow initially focused on improving comfort of life for children from poor families through modernization of bathrooms. After carrying out 15 such renovations, she decided to strengthen the scale of assistance and established Fabryka Marzeń Foundation, which was registered in September 2015.

Prof. Piotr Wachowiak

Prof. Piotr Wachowiak

Rector, Warsaw School of Economics

For 26 years he has had connections with business practice while working in managerial positions in various organizations, among others he was Deputy Director of the Board of Municipal Houses Warszawa-Śródmieście, Director of the Department of Municipal Buildings Warszawa-Centrum Municipal Office and deputy director of the District Board Żoliborz- member of the District Board and Chancellor of Warsaw School of Economics. He specializes in the issues of human resources in the organization and corporate social responsibility. He conducts research on: personnel policy in enterprises operating in Poland, negotiations, measuring intellectual capital of enterprises, knowledge management in enterprises and corporate social responsibility. Teaches at full-time, MBA and post-graduate studies. Author or co-author of many publications on negotiations, conflict resolution, human resources management, measurement of intellectual capital and knowledge management in enterprise, corporate social responsibility. Cooperates with consulting and training companies. Practices in development of expert opinions for enterprises and in trainings for managerial staff.

Marek Wojtyna

Marek Wojtyna

Director of Poland and the CEE Region, President of the Board, Danone

Kamil Wyszkowski

Kamil Wyszkowski

Representative and President of the Board of Global Compact Network Poland – Initiative of the UN Secretary General

Kamil Wyszkowski is an expert in international law. He holds the National Representative of United Nations Secretary General Initiative Global Compact in Poland – UNGC. He was working as a general director of UNDP in Poland. He also has much experience in implementing development programs abroad.

Katarzyna Zawodna-Bijoch

Katarzyna Zawodna-Bijoch

President of the Board, Skanska Commercial Development Europe

Dr. Jerzy Lejk, Eng.

Dr. Jerzy Lejk, Eng.

President of the Board, General Director, Metro Warszawskie

Dr inż. Andrzej Żurkowski

Dr inż. Andrzej Żurkowski

Railway Institute

dr inż. Wojciech Kamieniecki

dr inż. Wojciech Kamieniecki

Director of The National Centre for Research and Development

A graduate of the Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer Science at the Silesian University of Technology, Doctor of Economic Sciences in the Discipline of Management Sciences at the University of Szczecin. Manager with many years of experience in managing enterprises and large projects in the telecommunications industry (Multimedia Polska S.A., Nordisk Polska Sp.z o.o., EXATEL S.A.) and photovoltaic (Mielec PV S.A.). An expert in the field of project evaluation related to the construction of regional broadband networks and last mile networks. Co-founder of the National Cybersecurity Center and obtaining the status of the National Research Institute by NASK. Author of a number of scientific publications in the field of development strategies, enterprise management and shaping the value of enterprises. In November 2018, he was appointed to the Council of the National Center for Research and Development, in which he was the Chairman of the Finance Committee. From July 30, 2019, Director of the NCBR.

Paweł Kolczyński

Paweł Kolczyński

Vice President of the Board,
Industrial Development Agency

Paweł Kolczyński is a graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń and postgraduate European Special Studies at the Center for European Studies. Jean Monnet at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. He has many years of experience in ownership supervision and conducting restructuring processes. Legal Adviser, member of the Council of the District Chamber of Legal Advisers in Warsaw in 2012-2016 and the Audit Committee of the District Chamber of Legal Advisers in Warsaw in the 2016-2020 and 2020-2024 terms. In the period 2016-2018, the president of the management board of Fundusz Rozwoju Spółek S.A. Long-term academic teacher at the College of Economic and Social Sciences of the Warsaw University of Technology, SWPW in Płock and PWSZ in Płock.

Dr hab. inż. Tomasz Nasiłowski

Dr hab. inż. Tomasz Nasiłowski

President of the Board,

Dr hab. Eng. Tomasz Nasiłowski - scientist, entrepreneur, visionary. The founder of the InPhoTech group and the president of the board of InPhoTech, a leading Polish technology company implementing innovative fiber optic solutions to the industry. He obtained the title of doctor of physical sciences at the Warsaw University of Technology (2000) and postdoctoral degree at the Jagiellonian University (2017). For over 10 years he worked in Belgium as visiting professor at the Free University of Brussels (VUB). Co-author of several patents, over 120 scientific publications, manager and participant of nearly 40 national and international research and industrial projects. Coordinator of the subject of the use of optical fibers in industry in the European Photonics Alliance platform. He was vice president of National Smart Specializations for Photonics and a World Bank consultant in the field of photonics. An expert in the field of new technologies and a promoter of the achievements of Polish science on the international arena. Speaker and expert at many Polish and foreign scientific conferences as well as business and economic events. Honored with incl. with the title of 'Innovative Personality 2016' by the Polish Chamber of Commerce.

Małgorzata Oleszczuk

Małgorzata Oleszczuk

President of Polish Agency For Entrepreneurship Development

Małgorzata Oleszczuk has been professionally associated with EU funds for 20 years. She worked at the Office of the Committee for European Integration, where, inter alia, implemented the National Program of Preparing Poland for Membership in the EU and also participated in the implementation of the PHARE and Transition Facility programs. From 2008, she continued her professional career at the Mazowieckie Voivodeship Office, where she supervised the implementation of the tasks of the Intermediate Body in Certification for the Regional Operational Program of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship 2007-2013, as well as the implementation of programs dedicated to local government units, e.g. The National Program for the Reconstruction of Local Roads and the Program for the Development of Communal and Poviat Road Infrastructure. She represented the Mazowieckie Voivode in the Monitoring Committees of OPI & E 2007-2013, ROP WM 2007-2013 and 2014-2020 and the Mazowieckie Working Group for counteracting irregularities and crimes to the detriment of the EU's financial interests. She is a graduate of the Faculty of Pedagogy at the University of Warsaw. She has completed many courses and trainings in the field of human resources management, public finance, politics and EU funds.

Krzysztof Pietraszkiewicz

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Krzysztof Pietraszkiewicz

President of the Board,
The Polish Bank Association (ZBP)

President of the Polish Bank Association. Graduated from the Faculty of Natural Sciences at the University of Wrocław and Postgraduate Studies in Banking and Finance at Warsaw School of Economics. Since 1991 associated with the ZBP as Director of the Office and then Director General of the ZBP. Since April 2003 President of the chamber. Member of the Bank Guarantee Fund, Secretary of the Supervisory Board of Credit Information Bureau. Member of the National Centre for Research and Development Member of the. President of “Promyk Słońca” Foundation. Vicepresident of “Teraz Polska” Chapter. Founder and co-founder of banking infrastructure enterprises and of Polish Institute of Directors.

Grzegorz Wiśniewski

Grzegorz Wiśniewski

President of the Board,
Institute for Renewable Energy (IEO)

Prof. Adam Woźniak

Prof. Adam Woźniak

Vice Rector for Development of the Warsaw University of Technology (2020-2024)

Professor of technical sciences, academic lecturer and scientist specializing in coordinate metrology. Vice-Rector for Development of the Warsaw University of Technology in the 2020–2024 term. In the years 2012–2020 he was the Director of the Institute of Metrology and Biomedical Engineering, then the Dean of the Faculty of Mechatronics at the Warsaw University of Technology. In 2005–2006, he worked as visiting professor at the Polytechnique de Montréal in Canada. Author of over 150 scientific publications, including 2 monographs and several dozen articles in prestigious international journals. Organizer and manager of several innovative and research projects, also carried out in cooperation with Polish enterprises. He promoted 6 doctors of technical sciences and several dozen masters and engineers. Member of the Metrology Council, expert of the Ministry of Education and Science and the Foundation for Polish Science, as well as many other institutions.

Dawid Zieliński

Dawid Zieliński

President of the Board,
Columbus Energy

Founder and president of Columbus Energy - the largest Polish company in the modern energy and renewable energy sector. A graduate of electrical engineering at AGH in Krakow, he also obtained an MBA diploma at the Krakow University of Technology. He gained managerial experience working, inter alia, for Heidelberg Technology Center in Heidelberg, Air BP in London or MARS Polska. He has been an entrepreneur since 2009. From the beginning, he focused on energy efficiency and renewable energy, focusing on innovation in his start-ups. During 6 years of operation, Columbus Energy has carried out the development and transformation of a company listed on NewConnect, which investors currently value in billions of zlotys, achieving spectacular business success. Through Columbus, Dawid Zieliński invests in innovative start-ups, incl. in Nexity, a company related to the electromobility market, or Saule Technologies - a Polish company developing perovskite solar cell technology. A respected expert in the modern energy industry, member of the Renewable Energy Program Council, winner of the prestigious EY Entrepreneur of the Year 2020 competition in the New Technologies / Innovation category, winner of the "Teraz Polska" Emblem, was on the list of 200 people who create the Polish economy (according to the RMF FM , and 300Gospodarka).

Magnus Penker

Magnus Penker

CEO & President Innovation 360, Director-Level Consultant

Magnus Penker is an entrepreneur and Internationally-renowned expert on innovation, digitization, and business transformation. He has also launched 10 startups as well as acquired, turned around, and sold over 30 SME companies all over Europe. For the past 8 years, he has used his practical and theoretical insights to develop InnoSurvey™, the leading methodology and global innovation database used to analyze and provide advice to companies, business leaders, and scientists around the world. Mr. Penker is the CEO and Founder of the Innovation360 Group, presently consult in many countries, including the United States, the United Kingdom, Italy, Switzerland, Turkey, Denmark, Norway, Germany, Portugal, Dubai, and Qatar. Some Areas of expertise • Innovation management • Business modelling and strategy • Disruptive technology • Digitalisation, e-business and omni-channel • Business transformation Education • MBA, Henley Business School, UK • BSc Computer Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden • Doctoral studies at Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden • Research projects and studies at Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität, Germany

Dr Marek Niedużak

Dr Marek Niedużak

Undersecretary of State at Ministry of Economic Development, Labour and Technology

He comes from Opole. He studied law at the Jagiellonian University and the University of Cambridge. He is a doctor of law and an attorney specializing in civil and commercial law. On October 19, 2020, he was appointed deputy minister of development, labor and technology. In the ministry, he is responsible for the area of ​​regulation and legislation. Previously - from December 2019 - he was the deputy minister of development. In particular, he supervised legislative work on the act on the so-called Of the Small Social Insurance Institution (ZUS), and coordinated work on the acts known as the so-called the first and fourth government anti-crisis shield. In the previous term of the Sejm - from February 2019 - he was the deputy minister of entrepreneurship and technology. He was responsible, inter alia, for work on the act on counteracting payment backlogs; an amendment to the Commercial Companies Code, introducing a new type of commercial company - Prosta joint-stock company; The Friendly Law Package and the new Public Procurement Law. M. Niedużak has many years of experience in working with leading law firms. As an attorney at law, he cooperated with, inter alia, with the Sejm Analysis Office. He lectured at the Law College of the Kozminski University and lectured on economic law. He is a member of the supervisory board of Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego. He belongs to the Polish Association of Economic Analysis of Law and the Oxford and Cambridge Society of Poland. He sits on the board of the Abraham Jakub Stern. He is a fellow of the Polish Economic Institute.

Sylwia Bilska

Sylwia Bilska

General Director, Edenred Polska

A dynamic business leader who is successful in technology, eCommerce and Payments. For over 15 years, it has been commercializing digital and digitizing businesses in developed and developing markets. She gained experience in the departments of marketing, sales and strategy; lawyer by education, graduate of the European Executive MBA. She worked at the C-level for companies such as Tesco Central Europe, PayU Poland and Central Europe, Avon, Philip Morris and Oriflame. Member of supervisory boards of technology and fintech companies and a member of the management board of the Polish Chamber of Information Technology and Telecommunications. He has been supporting women and start-ups with mentoring since 2012; awarded the Digital Champion Award by the Forum of Digital Business Leaders in 2016 and the Charismatic Leader award of WhyStory in 2017.

Ireneusz Borowski

Ireneusz Borowski

Country Manager Poland, Dassault Systèmes

Ireneusz Borowski, since July 2019, is a Country Manager Poland at Dassault Systèmes. In this position he is responsible for reinforcing the local presence and expanding the market position of Dassault Systèmes in Poland. He is also responsible for supporting Dassault Systèmes customers in digital transformation as well as business development in Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary. Ireneusz Borowski joined Dassault Systèmes in 2008, and to date, as Senior Manager Sales & Business Development Eastern Europe, prepared business development plans for Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and managed the sales in Eastern Europe. Prior to this, as Senior Sales Manager Eastern Europe, Partner Success Management EUROCENTRAL, he steered the sales of indirect channels. Ireneusz Borowski commenced his career in 1998 at AutoR KSI, then he worked as an Account Manager and Special Program Manager in CNS Solutions. In 2000 he joined Premium Technology as a Product Manager and for the following 8 years was engaged at different levels of management. Ireneusz Borowski graduated from Warsaw University of Technology with a degree in automobile and heavy machinery engineering.

Dariusz Kwieciński

Dariusz Kwieciński

President of the Board, Fujitsu Poland

Dariusz Kwieciński has nearly 20 years of experience in the IT industry. Since joining Fujitsu in 2006, he has held managerial positions, including: Service Manager, Service Director, Head of Services and Country Head of Sales in Poland. He is a graduate of the Warsaw University of Technology. He emphasizes that the goal of Fujitsu Polska is to support Polish companies in digital transformation, especially in the three areas that are fundamental to the search for innovation: Data Protection, End User Services and Data Center Transformation.

Prof. Grzegorz Mazurek

Prof. Grzegorz Mazurek

Rector of Koźmiński University

Titular professor specializing in strategies for digital transformation of organizations, e-commerce and e-marketing. He is particularly interested in the changes that digitalization processes bring about in the higher education sector. He is also the Director of the Digital Transformation Research Centre – CYBERMAN, a member of EFMD Advisory Board for the Central and Eastern Europe region and a member of the Board of the Forum Management Education Association. Since 2020 he has served as President of the International Advisory Board of the French university ISC Paris. In 2016-18 he was a member of the Council for Digitalization at the Minister of Digitalization. His achievements include several dozen English and Polish chapters, scientific articles, books published in the most important journals and publications on management science in Poland and worldwide, including Cambridge University Press, Emerald Publishing, Routledge, European Management Journal, Business Horizons, he is the author of the book “Digital Transformation”. (PWN, 2019) and editor and co-author of the handbook “E-marketing – planning, tools and practice”. (Poltext, 2018), awarded by the Polish Academy of Sciences. From 2012 to 2020, he held the position of Vice Rector for Foreign Cooperation at Kozminski University, responsible for the overall strategy of internationalisation and marketing of the university. He is also the coordinator of the Koźmiński MBA Digital program and post-graduate studies related to digital economy: Internet Marketing, E-commerce, Business Digital Transformation and Manager in Industry 4.0. He was a visiting professor in such centers as, among others, the University of Warsaw: ESCP Europe, SKEMA Business School and École de Management de Normandie (France), ISCTE (Portugal), Nottingham Trent University (UK), Soongsil University (South Korea), Universidad del Pacifico (Peru), Univeristy of Reykjavik (Iceland). Repeatedly awarded for his publication and scientific achievements. In 2015 he was awarded the LUMEN statuette for university management leaders. In 2017 he was awarded the Eduinspirator (FRSE) statuette for those who are active in the field of education, contributing to positive changes in the environment. In 2020 he was awarded the Star of Internationalisation Award in the research category by the “Perspektywy” Foundation. During his term of office, Kozminski University has been repeatedly recognized as the most internationalized university in Poland. Grzegorz Mazurek closely cooperates with the electronic economy environment, including the Chamber of Electronic Economy, Digital Poland Foundation and Interactive Advertising Bureau. He has carried out projects for such brands as: Nokia, Nikon, Polpharma, Egmont, PZU, Michelin, IKEA, Mars Corp., Vivus.

Mariusz Pełechaty

Mariusz Pełechaty

President of the Board, Koda Bots

Grzegorz Słomkowski

Grzegorz Słomkowski

Member of the Board,
Polish Investment & Trade Agency

Since 2019 Member of the Management Board of Polish Investment and Trade Agency. Resposible for FDI investments and operations of the Agency. Grzegorz Słomkowski has over twenty years of experience in financial and general management, which he gained while working in both international and Polish companies. He began his career at LG when the company first entered the Polish market, he participating in the creation of the company's first structures and first production plants. Then he worked in the Management Consulting Department of Deloitte & Touche. Working on projects related to the implementation of integrated IT management systems, mainly in the financial sector, as well as in restructuring and organizational consulting. Initially, for several years, he was the Financial Director, and later the President of the Management Board of the Japanese JVCKENWOOD, where he was responsible both for Poland and the entire region. He also held managerial functions in the European and global structures of the organization. For eight years, Grzegorz was the Chairman of the Council of the Association of Importers and Manufacturers of Electrical and Electronic Equipment - "ZIPSEE CYFROWA POLSKA" - a non-profit employers' organization associating the largest RTV and IT companies operating in Poland. For four years, he was the President of the Management Board of a company that distributes Clearplex industrial foils from the American MADICO group. As a Certified Change Management and Strategy Advisor to companies and adviser to technology startups. He participated in building startup companies in the field of telematics and insurance. Grzegorz Słomkowski graduated from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of Warsaw University of Technology, Executive MBA in Business from the Business School of Warsaw University of Technology / London Business School / HEC Paris / NHH (Bergen), the Faculty of Management and Marketing of the University of Warsaw, MBA studies from the University of Illinois, the Academy of Psychological Leadership at the Warsaw University of Technology.

Magdalena Burzyńska

Magdalena Burzyńska

Managing Director,
Ayming Polska

Managing Director of the Polish branch of Ayming - an international advisory group supporting enterprises in the optimal conduct of operational activities and increasing financial results. She has been working for Ayming (formerly Alma Consulting Group) for over 14 years - first as a Consultant in France, and then as a Consulting Director in Poland. Since 2011, he has been shaping the strategic direction of Ayming Polska. Provides clients with professional support in obtaining financing for innovations (relief for research and development, IP Box, subsidies). Responsible for the concept and implementation of solutions on the Polish market aimed at reducing fees for real estate tax and accident premiums. A graduate of Law at Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, Management at Université Paris Dauphine, and General Management Program at Harvard Business School in Boston.

Dawid Cycoń

Dawid Cycoń

President of the Board, Founder,
ML System

The originator and co-founder of ML System S.A., which successfully debuted on the Warsaw Stock Exchange in June 2018. In ML System S.A. he also acts as the General Director, co-creates the company's development strategy based on the development and transfer of research results to an industrial scale. Originator and producer of the ML System S.A. Photovoltaic Research Center. He co-created the market for BIPV and Smart City products. Co-author of 13 granted patents, 6 utility models covered by protection law, as well as publications in the field of photovoltaic cells and modules. From 2019, he is a member of the Entrepreneurship Council at the President of the Republic of Poland, and from 2020, the coordinator of the work of the group for the development of new photovoltaic segments and integration with the grid established by the Ministry of Climate and Environment.

Aleksander Jakubczak

Aleksander Jakubczak

Director of 5G Solutions,
Huawei Polska

Aleksander Jakubczak is currently responsible for E2E 5G solution at Huawei CEE & Nordic European Region. Earlier, he was part of the Poland Wireless Network Solution Sales Department. Previously, as a Mobile Technologies Strategy Agency Manager at Orange Poland, he focused on technology strategy related to 5G and IoT. Prior to that, as a Programme Director he was first responsible for strategic analyses delivery on CxO level (COO organization). He was also a Wireless Access Development Director of the then called Orange Labs Poland (today Orange Poland). Aleksander Jakubczak starter his professional career as System Operator and then New Technologies & Service Engineer in OSP Polpager (currently Sferia, part of Polkomtel Group). He was also one of the pioneers in Poland in defining technical needs and requirements regarding CDMA EDVO Rev. A trials and commercial deployment in 850 and 450 bands. He obtained his Master degree in Telecommunications from the Warsaw University of Technology, Poland. He also completed postgraduate studies in Management at the Warsaw School of Economics and Telecoms Mini MBA by Informa Telecoms & Media in Dubai, UAE.

Prof. dr hab. inż. Janusz Lewandowski

Prof. dr hab. inż. Janusz Lewandowski

Professor at the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering of the Warsaw University of Technology

He is a professor at the Warsaw University of Technology. In the years 1993-2012 he was the director of the Institute of Thermal Technology at the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering. Currently, he is the President of the Management Board of the Institute of Applied Research of the Warsaw University of Technology Sp. z o.o. - PW special purpose vehicle dealing with the commercialization of research results. He conducts scientific and technical activities related to the modernization of energy equipment, the impact of energy on the environment and programming of the development of the generation sector in the energy sector. He is the author and co-author of over 200 publications and articles. He has completed over 100 scientific and research works, mainly commissioned by the industry. He is a co-author of 7 patents and a laureate of the SIEMENS Prize and the Prime Minister's Award for scientific works implemented in industrial practice. He promoted 11 doctors. He was a member of the Central Committee for Degree Rights and Titles, Chairman of the Committee on Energy Problems of the Polish Academy of Sciences and a member of the Thermodynamics and Combustion Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

Prof. Tomasz Szapiro

Prof. Tomasz Szapiro

Polish Economist, Rector of the Warsaw School of Economics (2012-2016)

MSc in physics, PhD in mathematics, habilitation and titular professor – economics. Rector of the Warsaw School of Economics. Specialist in decision analysis. Cooperation with Belgium, Canada, USA among others. Prestigious scholarship FNP “Master”.EU Projects and PHARE, HESP, PALP. Expertise for MF, and the Ministry of Economy. The President of the Chapter for „Polityka’s” Scholarship.

Dariusz Bliźniak

Dariusz Bliźniak

Vice President of the Board, Respect Energy

Graduated of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw, an expert in risk management using the PRINCE2 method. Since 1995 he has been a member of corporate bodies of commercial companies in the field of energy and commodity exchanges as well as of institutions working for the development of the commodity exchange market. In 2008, he became Vice President for Risk and Project Management of TGE, a company implementing innovative solutions in the field of commodity trading, a position he held until 2011. From 2011 to 2016, he associated with IRGiT, a company providing clearing and settlement activities for transactions concluded on the Polish Power Exchange, where he served as Vice President for Risk and Project Management and then as President of the Board of Directors. In 2018 he was appointed Vice President of Operations of TRMEW OBRÓT S.A., now Respect Energy. Co-author of textbooks about commodity exchange (1997 and 1998) and commodity futures markets (1997), author of publications on European fund management.

Adam Kostrzewa

Adam Kostrzewa

Managing Director, Ecological Projects Division, Bank Ochrony Środowiska SA

Adam Kostrzewa has over 20 years of professional experience in operations and consulting, which he gained in companies such as BGK, Aviva, as well as in EY, TPA, MDDP and in the public sector - NCBR. He developed his skills mainly in the Polish and international environment, and his knowledge and diverse practical industry experience come from the CEE region. He specializes in management consulting, corporate finance, conducting M&A and strategic projects, and coordinating all activities related to investment / divestment projects.

Krzysztof Ławrywjaniec

Krzysztof Ławrywjaniec

Director of the RES Department, MAAT4

Adam Pantkowski

Adam Pantkowski

CEO, Vortex Energy Polska

Artur Pollak

Artur Pollak

President of the Management Board, APA Group

Graduated of Faculty of Automatic Control, Electronics and Computer Science, on Silesian University of Technology, Institute of Electronics, specialization: computer control systems. For 14 years he has gained experience in implementations and planning controlling systems, for such clients as VW, GM, Daimler and Siemens. He worked as technical consultant during construction of VW factory in Poznań. He was responsible for standardizations and optimization of the manufacturing process in the factory. Currently he is CEO in APA Sp. z o.o. and APA Innovative Sp. z o.o. He is also a member of Program Board of Electric Department on Silesian Technical University.

Dr.  Paweł Urbański, Eng.

Dr. Paweł Urbański, Eng.

Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Columbus Energy, Director of Business School of the Warsaw University of Technology

Director and lecturer at the Warsaw University of Technology Business School. Doctor in Economics from Imperial College London, holds an engineering degree and an MBA from the Warsaw University of Technology. Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Columbus Energy, former member of the Management Board of PSE and President of PGE. He supervised and co-created consulting and investment projects for major Polish and international energy companies.

Dr.  Waldemar Szulc, Eng.

Dr. Waldemar Szulc, Eng.

Director, Polish Power Plants Association

Dr hab. inż. Jakub Barbasz

Dr hab. inż. Jakub Barbasz

Co-founder, Digitmed

Jan Styliński

Jan Styliński

President of the Board, Polish Association of Construction Industry Employers

Agnieszka Chwiałkowska

Agnieszka Chwiałkowska

Co-managing Partner of the Public Procurement Practice at WKB Wierciński, Kwieciński, Baehr

Łukasz Górny

Łukasz Górny

Director of the Development Department and Chief Specialist for Public Procurement, EIB SA

Hubert Nowak

Hubert Nowak

President of the Board,
Public Procurement Office

Wojciech Trojanowski

Wojciech Trojanowski

Member of the Board, STRABAG

One of two members of the managing board of STRABAG in Poland since 2013. Holds Master’s Degree in Economics from Warsaw School of Economics. His professional career began at STRABAG’s corporate headquarters in Austria in 1996. Member of STRABAG’s board since 2007. Chairman of the Construction Platform and the Council member of Employers of Poland Association.

Tomasz Żuchowski

Tomasz Żuchowski

Acting General Director for National Roads and Motorways

Maciej Kopański

Maciej Kopański

Investment Director, BaltCap; Member of the Board, IZIM

Tomasz Korczyński

Tomasz Korczyński

Advocate and Managing Counsel, head of the PPP / Infrastructure Practice at Dentons Warsaw office

He is also a member of the Energy and Natural Resources team. He has many years of experience in providing legal assistance to Polish and foreign entities. He is considered one of the leading experts-practitioners of PPP in Poland. He effectively advised on the implementation of infrastructure projects, both for the public and private parties. Tomasz is a legal advisor at the Centrum PPP Foundation and a member of the Board of the International Project Finance Association (IPFA) in Poland. He was an expert of the "Friendly State" Parliamentary Committee on matters related to the amendment to the PPP Act. He is a speaker in Poland and abroad at conferences and training courses on PPP, as well as a lecturer at the Warsaw School of Economics, where he has been teaching this field for seven years. Moreover, Tomasz Korczyński is a member of the authorities of the District Bar Council in Warsaw.

Anna Łopaciuk

Anna Łopaciuk

Manager for the Fuel Sector and Infrastructure in the Department of Sector Analysis and Support, BGK

Expert in project finance, Anna started her career in banking sector back in 2012 when she was in charge of evaluation and financing of large investment projects covering both public and private sector. She has also a solid experience in market analysis for construction and infrastructure sectors. Anna joined Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (BGK) back in 2016. Currently, she holds the managerial position in the Department of Sectoral Analysis and Support which is in charge of, inter alia, substantial support in Public-Private Partnership (PPP) projects. Before starting her journey in BGK, Anna gained experience in two commercial banks, PKO BP and PBP SA.

Adam Poliński

Adam Poliński

Member of the Board, Infrastructure Director, Unibep SA

Maciej Ziomek

Maciej Ziomek

Associate Partner in the Transaction Advisory Department, EY

Jakub Majewski

Jakub Majewski

President of the Board, ProKolej Foundation

Analyst, specialist in logistics, planning and development of transportation systems, infrastructural investments, organisation and marketing of public transportation. Graduate of the Centre for European Regional and Local Studies as well as the Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies at the University of Warsaw. University lecturer and head of the Laboratory of EU Transportation Policy of the Pultusk Academy of Humanities – since 2012 with the title of doctor. Former president of the Institute for Development and Promotion of Rail, proxy of Marshal’s Offices coordinating organisation of regional transportation. Member of management boards and supervisory boards of rail carriages (PKP Przewozy Regionalne, Warszawska Kolej Dojazdowa, Szybka Kolej Miejska). In the years 2009-2010, president of Koleje Mazowieckie, in the years 2012-2014 vice-president of the Office of Rail Transport for rail sector regulation. Member of steering committees, expert in implementation and evaluation of operational programmes financed from EU funds. Advisor of the Ministry of Infrastructure in the process of drafting the Act on public transportation. Co-author of several analytical works, research and feasibility studies for industry and transport. Licenced train driver, press and TV sector commentator.

Artur Martyniuk

Artur Martyniuk

President of the Board, Polregio

He is a graduate of MBA studies at IESE Business School in Barcelona. He was also educated at Harvard Business School and London Business School. He also graduated from the Lublin University of Technology at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science with a master's degree in engineering. He started his professional career in the consulting company KPMG, where for many years he managed projects for medium and large Polish enterprises and international concerns. He also worked in the Swiss branch of the Goldman Sachs bank and the Madrid headquarters of Bank Santander. In 2013-2020 he was the financial advisory director at Deloitte, managing a project team for many sectors of the economy in the country and in the region of Central and Eastern Europe.

Adam Laskowski

Adam Laskowski

Member of the Board,
PKP Intercity SA

Prof. UAM dr hab. Marcin Lemkowski

Prof. UAM dr hab. Marcin Lemkowski

Advocate, Partner, Wardyński & Partners

Prof. AMU dr hab. Marcin Lemkowski conducts difficult, complex and often lengthy court and arbitration proceedings, mainly in the field of civil law. He advises both individuals and corporations in disputes related to contracts, real estate trading, investments in renewable energy or securing debts. He conducts proceedings for compensation for damages caused, inter alia, by failure to perform the contract, tort, change of the local spatial development plan or issuance of an unlawful judgment by a court. He also represents clients in matters relating to large infrastructure investments, mainly in rail and road. Author and co-author of several dozen cassation appeals heard by the Supreme Court, often in very difficult or precedential cases. He has been associated with the Wardyński i Wspólnicy law firm since 2008.

Michał Sapota

Michał Sapota

President, HRE Investments

Michał has been pursuing very ambitious goals on the real estate market in Poland and abroad for over a decade now. In his work he places particular emphasis on developing long-term strategies for company growth using various sources of financing the company’s activities. He has a sound grasp of the synergy between the financial and real estate markets. Michał uses his expertise and experience to expand an investment offer for the real estate industry and he does it with great passion.

Nicolas Dépret

Nicolas Dépret

President of the Board,
Eurovia Polska

Nicolas Dépret been involved with Eurovia Group since 1997. He is a graduate of Ecole Spéciale des Travaux Publics, du Bâtiment et de l’Industrie in Paris. Mr Dépret started his professional career in Germany where he managed road construction projects for 3 years. Since 2000 he encouraged the development of Eurovia’s operations in Poland by managing the technical department, acting as chief operating officer and a member of the management board. In the years 2014-2017 he was in charge of Eurovia’s branches in Romania, Croatia and the Baltic States. In 2013 he took charge of the Group’s security area in Central and Southern Europe. He was appointed the Chairman of the Board of Eurovia in Poland in 2017 and has performed this function since then. Actively involved in the work of nationwide road organizations such as the Polish Chamber of Commerce of Road Construction Industry, Polish Association of Construction Industry Employers, Polish Association of Asphalt Paving Contractors and Road Congress, by taking part in activities carried out to develop the road industry in Poland.

Łukasz Marcinkiewicz

Łukasz Marcinkiewicz

General Director of LHE and Infrastructure Solutions

Graduated the Poznań University of Technology at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, specializing in the Construction and Operation of Motorways. Has many years of experience in designing and executing complex infrastructure projects - including in the A2 motorway construction project between Stryków and Warsaw, S5 Rawicz bypass, DK16 Borki Wielkie - Mrągowo, S7 Płońsk - Czosnów, S2 South Warsaw Bypass.

Bartosz Tokarski

Bartosz Tokarski

Technical Practice Leader, Deputy Director of the Insurance Bureau of Strategic Clients, EIB SA

Robert Kałuża

Robert Kałuża

COO/Co-founder, Billon Group

Robert is the co-founder of Billon Group and its E-Money CEO, responsible for projects and products using regulated digital cash - national currencies stored and transacted on blockchain with Billon's unique DLT technology. As an expert in building strategies at the intersection of IT and business, he previously managed the strategic analysis department at Orange Polska and was a consultant in the IT department of McKinsey. The value of IT projects he managed exceeded $100M. Robert completed an MBA in financial management at the University of Hull. In his spare time, he enjoys sailing, diving and skiing.

Dr Jerzy Kwieciński

Dr Jerzy Kwieciński

Deputy CEO, Bank Pekao SA

Jerzy Kwieciński is a graduate of Faculty of Materials Engineering of the Warsaw University of Technology and holds a degree of Doctor in the field of technical science. He also completed a postgraduate course for managers at the Warsaw School of Economics and an international Master of Business Administration (MBA) programme run by the University of Antwerp, the University of Staffordshire, the Free University of Brussels and the University of Warsaw. Jerzy Kwieciński also has experience in academic and research and development work, which he gained, among others at the Warsaw University of Technology and as a visiting professor at Brunel University of West London. Jerzy Kwieciński has more than 30 years of international experience in strategic planning, management of large organizations, programs and projects in the public, private, non-governmental and scientific research sectors, including energy sector. From 1993 to 2004, he worked for the European Commission Representation in Poland, where his duties included management of programmes and projects financed by the European Union. He also participated in the works preparing Poland for membership in the European Union. Between 2004 and 2005 he was the President of Europejskie Centrum Przedsiębiorczości sp. z o.o, where in 2008-2015 he acted as a Vice-President of the Management Board. In 2005, Jerzy Kwieciński took a position of the Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Regional Development, where he coordinated the national development policy and cohesion policy, including the work on the National Development Strategy for 2007-2015 and the National Cohesion Strategy for 2007-2013. Between 2008 and 2015, he served as President of the Management Board of JP Capital Group sp. z o.o., specializing in preparation and implementation of projects and innovations, including establishing and running start-ups. In that period he was also head of Fundacja Europejskie Centrum Przedsiębiorczości (European Entrepreneurship Centre Foundation). In 2015, he was appointed the Secretary of State in the Ministry of Development. Since 2015, he has been a member of the National Development CouncilIn November 2015, he was appointed the First Deputy of the Deputy Prime Minister in the Ministry of Development. From January 2018, he held the office of the Minister of Investment and Development, and from September 2019 he served also as the Minister of Finance. He held both functions until November 15, 2019. He worked on, among others on preparation and implementation of the Strategy for Responsible Development and implementation of cohesion policy. From January to December 2020 he acted as President of the Management Board of Polskie Górnictwo Naftowe i Gazownictwo S.A. (PGNiG), he has been a member of the Supervisory Board in TUW Polski Gaz, Europolgaz SA and President of the Board of Directors PGNiG Upstream Norway. Jerzy Kwieciński fulfills suitability requirements determined in art. 22aa of Banking Law Act.

Jarosław Gowin

Jarosław Gowin

Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Development, Labor and Technology

Born on December 4, 1961 in Krakow. In 2011-2013, the Minister of Justice, responsible for the deregulation act. In 2015-2020, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Science and Higher Education. He introduced the Constitution for Science, i.e. a great systemic reform of higher education and science carried out in broad dialogue with the academic community, raises for academic teachers and groundbreaking changes in the education of doctoral students; two acts on innovation, which are an impulse for R&D activity, and programs that effectively popularize science for children and seniors. He established the National Agency for Academic Exchange and the Łukasiewicz Research Network. In the 1980s, he belonged to the Independent Students' Association and "Solidarity". A scholarship holder of the University of Cambridge. In 2003, he founded the University of Europe. Fr. Józef Tischner in Kraków, whose rector was until 2013. Sixth term senator. Member of the Science and Education Committee and the Local Government and Public Administration Committee. From 2007, a member of the Polish Parliament. Chairman of the United Right Parliamentary Club in the Sejm of the 7th term. During parliamentary work, he was the chairman of the Bioethics Convention Team, chairman of the extraordinary committee for the consideration of parliamentary bills amending the Constitution of the Republic of Poland and a member of the National Security Council. Author of many books, journalistic articles, reviews and memoirs. He spends his free time in the mountains and reading books. Favorite authors are Wilhelm Röpke, Friedrich August von Hayek, and Adam Smith. Baroque music lover.

Dr. Andrzej Maciej Czapczuk, Eng.

Dr. Andrzej Maciej Czapczuk, Eng.

Vice President of the Management Board and General Director of the F.B.I. TASBUD and the President of the Management Board of the Swedish company TASBUD SVERIGE AB

Nancy Giordano

Nancy Giordano

One of the best futurists in the world, guest lecturer at Singularity University and curator of TEDx in Austin

Futurist and corporate strategist, guest lecturer at Singularity University and 10-year curator of TEDx in Austin, Texas (first license in the world). Recognized as one of the best futurists in the world, she has spent her career building, shaping and developing a portfolio of large global brands with a total value of 50 billion $. Her lectures help companies understand the interpenetration of technology, business and society, so they can improve their management strategy in the future. Thanks to her career in three leading global advertising agencies and the establishment of her own company dealing with strategic inspiration, Play Big Inc., she has a rich history of consulting and learning in one of the best companies in the world, including: Nestle, Brinker International, The Coca Cola Company, Sprint and Acumen.

Peter Cochrane

Peter Cochrane

Professor at University College London, technological and business consulting guru for governments and organizations around the world

University professor and internationally respected technological and business consulting guru for governments and organizations. He has been professionally involved in science, technology and engineering for over 40 years, and his main goal is to solve problems and create wealth through the use of new technologies and business solutions. In his professional career, he managed teams of up to 2,500 people with a budget exceeding £ 1 billion as CTO, CEO and director in companies in the United Kingdom and the United States, including as CTO at British Telecom. A consultant known for unconventional thinking, author of blogs, articles and books on technology, business and rapid change management. In his career, he also dealt with fiber optics, fixed and mobile networks, artificial life and healthcare, as well as e-commerce and business modeling. Winner of many prestigious awards, including Order of the British Empire (OBE) and IEEE Millennium Medal.

Łukasz Wypych

Łukasz Wypych

Investment Manager, GULERMAK Agir Sanayi Insaat ve Taahhut A.S. Oddział w Polsce

Łukasz Wypych is a graduate of the Warsaw School of Economics, majoring in Finance and Banking as well as Management and Marketing. He has over 10 years of experience in the field of transport, acquired while working in reputable consulting companies. Author and co-author of about 100 business plans and feasibility studies for investment projects. He has been associated with Gülermak since 2017, responsible, inter alia, for broadly understood business development in the field of PPP on international markets and for representing the company in the processes of technical and competitive dialogue in PPP proceedings.

Cezary Łysenko

Cezary Łysenko

Infrastructure Construction Director,
Budimex SA

Grzegorz Kaczorowski

Grzegorz Kaczorowski

Director of Economic Development Department, City of Warsaw

Juliusz Tetzlaff

Juliusz Tetzlaff

Director of the Housing Department, Ministry of Development, Labor and Technology

Leszek Hołda

Leszek Hołda

Member of the Board,
PKP Energetyka SA

Cezary Saganowski

Cezary Saganowski

President of the Board,
Egis Poland

Radosław Łoś

Radosław Łoś

Project Coordinator, APA Group

Rafał Zgorzelski

Rafał Zgorzelski

Member of the Board, Polskie Koleje Państwowe SA

Manager with several years of work experience. He gained professional experience, among others in companies from the logistics, energy and defense industries. He sat on the management and supervisory bodies of capital companies. In the past, he also ran his own business consulting company. A doctor of humanities in the field of history by education - a graduate of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń and Postgraduate Management Studies and Postgraduate Sales Management Studies in Practice at the WSB University in Toruń. He also holds an Executive MBA title. From August 14, 2020, Member of the Management Board of Polskie Koleje Państwowe S.A. Directly before taking up this position, he worked at the Ministry of State Assets, where he was responsible for supervision over companies in the railway sector and car communication companies. He also sat on the Supervisory Board of Polskie Koleje Państwowe S.A. Promoter of the idea of ​​economic patriotism.

Roman Szwed

sunse pit lore kome.

Roman Szwed

Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Atende SA

A graduate of the Faculty of Physics, Warsaw University – Master of Physics (1976), Ph. D. in experimental physics (1980), habilitation in high energy physics (1990). He has significant scientific achievements, including dozens of publications in the field of high-energy nuclear physics. He has won many awards and prizes including the award of the Minister of Education. In August 1991, a team of the Computer Centre of the Faculty of Physics at the Warsaw University under the leadership of Roman Szwed made the historical connection of Poland to the global Internet. He has over 20 years of experience in the IT industry. Between 1991 and 2012 worked at ATM, since 1993 to 2012 as a President of the Management Board. After the establishment of ATM Information Systems (currently Atende), as a result of division of ATM, he became a President of the Management Board in the newly formed company. During his career, Roman Szwed has been awarded numerous honors and awards for his work, including the Golden Cross of Merit for promoting the development of the information society. Currently, Roman Szwed is a member of the Polish Chamber of Information Technology and Telecommunications, the Polish Chamber of Commerce for Advanced Technology and the Board of Science of the Institute of Communications.

Wojciech Hann

Wojciech Hann

President of the Board, Bank Ochrony Środowiska SA

Wojciech Hann coordinates Bank activity and supervises the management area. A graduate of the University of Wrocław in theoretical physics and MBA studies (finance) at the University of Rochester (USA). 25 years of experience in investment banking and corporate finance. An advisor in fifty transactions, primarily in the energy sector. Member of the Management Board of Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego, in charge of Sales and Products. He was a Managing Director of the Capital Markets Department at Ipopema Securities. As a Partner at Deloitte, he was responsible for development and delivery of M&A advisory projects in Central Europe’s energy sector. He worked at UniCredit Markets & Investment Banking / CA IB as Director of the Energy & Utilities Department.

Katarzyna Byczkowska

Katarzyna Byczkowska

President of the Board, BASF Polska

Graduate of Wrocław Univesity of Technology (chemical engineering processes) and Calgary University (MBA studies). She has spent 10 years in DOW Chemical on various positions in Warsaw and London. Katarzyna has started BASF career in 2005 in UK as a Head of Sales for UK & Nordics. Next 2 years Mrs. Byczkowska spent in Ludwigshafen (BASF Headquarter) and following years (2008-2012) in Warsaw on the position of Head of Sales for EUC & Russia. In 2013-2017 she has been delegated to Spain as a Vice President, Sales & Regional Market Development Iberia. And finally in 2017-18 Mrs. Byczkowska came to Vienna to work as a Head of Controlling and Projects for Central Europe. After coming back to Poland (May 2018) Katarzyna Byczkowska started her job as a Managing Director BASF Polska which is still one of the largest BASF legal entities in Europe. Currently BASF Polska has more than 870 employees and generates sales on the level of 860 million EUR (2019).

Wojciech Rosa

Wojciech Rosa

Member of the Board, Polpharma

He graduated from the Faculty of Economics and Management at the Koszalin University of Technology, Finance and Accounting at the University of Gdańsk and MBA studies conducted by GFKM from Erasmus University Rotterdam. He started his career with scientific work, specializing in financial mathematics and capital investment strategies. In 2003, he started working for the Polpharma Group as a financial controller of the Chemia Business Unit in Starogard Gdański. In the following years, he performed a key role for the area of domestic and international industrial operations as the Operational Controlling Director. In 2017, he took the position of Corporate Finance Director and is responsible for the finances of the Polpharma Group in Poland.

Dr. Jacek Pawlak

Dr. Jacek Pawlak

President of Toyota Motor Poland and Toyota Central Europe

A graduate of the Warsaw University of Technology (Faculty of Automotive and Machine Tools - 1982-1987) and the University of Warsaw (Ph.D. studies in the field of "Financial Institutions and Economic Strategies of Companies" - 2003-2006). Doctoral degree in economic sciences obtained at the Faculty of Economics, University of Warsaw (2012). Doctoral dissertation: "Mergers and acquisitions as an alternative strategy to organic growth of companies - studies of long-term economic effects on the example of the automotive sector". Jacek Pawlak, after 5 years spent in Toyota Motor Europe as Director of Sales and Strategic Projects for Toyota Europe, in 2012 became the first Pole ever to manage the Polish branch of the concern.

Prof. dr hab. Roman Niżnikowski

Prof. dr hab. Roman Niżnikowski

Member of the State Council for Environmental Protection, Department of Animal Breeding, Institute of Animal Sciences, Warsaw University of Life Sciences

Agricultural sciences, animal husbandry and fishery, protection and care of the environment (including landscape), breeding systems, genetic and environmental conditions of animal production. He completed his studies in 1977 at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences. Doctoral degree in 1981, dr hab. in 1989, the title of professor in 1996. He was the supervisor in 13 doctoral dissertations, 93 master's degrees. From 2015, he is a member of the Supervisory Board of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (its chairman from 20/11/2015 to 24/02/2020). In 2017-2018 he was a member of the Supervisory Board of the Provincial Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Lublin. Since 2017, he is the chairman of the Scientific Council of IOŚ - PIB, a member of the Scientific Council of the IZ - PIB and the Scientific Council of IUNG - PIB. He has been a member of PROŚ since 2021. He managed 24 projects. He is the author of 604 publications. It has state and departmental decorations as well as occasional statuettes.

Jędrzej Kowalczyk

Jędrzej Kowalczyk

President of the Board, Fanuc Polska

Jędrzej Kowalczyk is customer oriented business unit executive with strong engineering, sales and marketing experience. His interest in science and technology began in the early childhood thus the choice of the university was a simple matter. Jędrzej Kowalczyk is a graduate of robotics and automation at the Gdańsk University of Technology. He started his professional career at FANUC, as a Technical Specialist, in 2009. He was then quickly promoted to the position of the Service Coordinator (2010), Customer Service Coordinator (2012) and a number of new challenges and opportunities opened for him. In 2014 was appointed as the new Office Manager of FANUC Polska and one year later took office as General Manager of FANUC Polska. His main goal is to deliver the latest technology used in automation of production to Polish factories with full support of FANUC local staff.

Marcin Petrykowski

Marcin Petrykowski

President of the Board, Atende SA

Marcin Petrykowski has over 20 years of business experience, during which he managed and managed the strategic development and operational activities of global capital and financial market institutions. From May 2021, in the non-executive role of the Regional Senior Adviser, he advises the European investment fund in the infrastructure area of ​​Vauban Infrastructure Partners, in the field of Central and Eastern Europe. In the years 2014 - 2021 he was employed at S&P Global Ratings Europe Limited Sp. z o.o. Branch in Poland, where as Managing Director and Branch Director he was responsible for the company's commercial activities in the Europe, Middle East and Africa region, in Central and Eastern Europe and in Poland. At the same time, in 2016-2019, he was a member of the Supervisory Board and Chairman of the Audit Committee at MCI Capital S.A., a private equity fund listed on the WSE. Previously, in 2007-2014, he worked at J.P. Morgan Europe Limited based in London and in J.P. Morgan Europe Limited Oddział w Polsce Sp. z o.o. where, as Executive Director and Vice Director of the Branch in Poland, he managed the area of ​​global capital market services for financial institutions in the region of Central and Eastern Europe, Russia, CIS countries and Israel, while simultaneously co-managing the company's branch in Poland. He started his professional career in 2002, remaining employed by Citibank Handlowy Bank Handlowy w Warszawie S.A. until 2007, where, after completing the 'Management Associate' program, he served global Citibank clients based in Poland and the region of Central and Eastern Europe in the field of corporate banking services. Marcin Petrykowski is a member of the Supervisory Board of STARTUPBASIS POLSKA sp.z o.o., a member of the Board of Fundacja im. Lesław A. Paga, academic lecturer in postgraduate studies in Fintech at the Faculty of Management of the University of Warsaw, and until the end of June 2021 a member of the Board of Directors of the American Chamber of Commerce in Poland (AmCham). He received his education and master's degree in 2002 at the Kozminski University in Warsaw. At the same time, during his professional career, he completed a number of courses, trainings and postgraduate studies in Poland and abroad.

Michał Skorupa

Michał Skorupa

President of the Board, E.ON Foton Sp. Z o.o., Grupa E.ON Polska S.A.

Michał Skorupa has over eighteen years of experience in sales, development and implementation of corporate strategies and processes, as well as in building teams in the various corporate areas . For ten years he has been engaged in the industrial power, and for six years in photovoltaics and renewable energetics, at the national and foreign level. As an expert in this industry, he actively participates in issuing opinions on legal acts and statutes dedicated to the energy technology sector. In July 2019 he has been appointed to the Chief Executive Officer of FOTON Technik Sp. z o.o.. With the E.ON Group and innogy Polska S.A. he has been related since 2011, including a member of the Supervisory Board position. Successfully developing business in the area of strategy, sales and operations, thanks to which Foton Technik is one of the leading companies in Poland in the Renewable Energy Sources sector. He is the Warsaw School of Economics (SGH) graduate, where in 2017 he obtained the title of Master of Business Administration (MBA).

Roman Kantorski

Roman Kantorski

President of the Polish Chamber of Automotive Industry

He was born in Warsaw in 1947. He is a graduate of the Faculty of Automotive and Machinery Engineering at the Warsaw University of Technology (PW). He was an employee of the Institute of Vehicles PW, where he worked during 1971-1991, where one of his responsibilities was conducting research of cars in cooperation with the most outstanding creators of Polish automotive industry (Professor L. Jaśkiewicz and Professor K. Pionnier). He started his own Authorized Fiat Repair Station in Warsaw in 1983 - one of the first private authorized Fiat service in Poland. He is a member of the Automotive Craft Guild in Warsaw since 1989 and a member of the Presidium in the National Chamber of Commerce. He is a member of the Board in the Polish Chamber of Automotive Industry since 1994 and he became the vice president in 2001. Since April 2003 Mr. Roman Kantorski has been holding position of the President in the Chamber.

Jarosław Michalak

Jarosław Michalak

Group Development Partner, Michelin

Piotr Maciak

Piotr Maciak

President of the Board, Nordkalk

Graduate of the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering at the Warsaw University of Technology Professional experience: Since 1991, he has been working in managerial positions in the area of sales and management in large international organizations in the B2B and B2C segment (Henkel, General Electric, Miele, Lafarge, Ursa). He has been working for Nordkalk for 10 years, including 9 years as the President of the Management Board of Nordkalk Sp. o.o. Since 2016, he has been the Commercial Director in the Central Europe Region (Poland, Germany, Ukraine, the Czech Republic and Slovakia). Professional achievements: Changing the organizational and sales model at Nordkalk. He is responsible for the granulated lime project (trade name Nordkalk AtriGran), which has been successfully run since 2009. For several years he has been focusing on the development of sales and investments in Ukraine, mainly in the area of agricultural products.

Michał Brzozowski

Michał Brzozowski

Managing Director / Board Member, Metroplan Polska

Experienced in realisation of big, international industrial projects, especially in the fields of new location development, logistics consulting, planning and design of new production and logistics infrastructure, costs optimisation and comprehensive project management. Interested in implementation of new management strategies and organisation structures, as well as negotiations and dealing with unpredictable situations, where finding new solutions requires development of new approaches and procedures. Managed a number of big projects on three continents – Europe, America and Asia, with excellent feedback from the clients. Responsible also for managing a team of architects, engineers and construction and logistics consultants at the Polish branch of Metroplan Group in their two offices, in Wrocław and Warsaw. Graduated in Logistics at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering from Wrocław University of Science and Technology.

Marcin Ujejski

Marcin Ujejski

CEO, Blue Timber

Wiesław Hałucha

Wiesław Hałucha

President of the Board, Alventa SA

A graduate of the Faculty of Management at the University of Economics in Krakow, Faculty of Law and Administration at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, postgraduate studies in the Management of Capital Group at Warsaw School of Economics and MBA studies at the University of Minnesota. Since 2003 professionally connected with "Alventa" SA. Creator of “Alventa Invest” Group. Councilor in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Krakow.

Jacek Kubas

Jacek Kubas

Deputy Director, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Ewa Mochocka

Ewa Mochocka

Associate Partner, EY-Parthenon

Ewa provides services in the field of obtaining financing and restructuring. He has nearly 20 years of experience in the field of financial consulting, in particular in the area of obtaining financing and financial restructuring of enterprises. Throughout her career, Ewa has advised on many financing acquisition processes, including greenfield and brownfield project financing transactions, as well as restructuring processes, serving clients from various industries, such as, in particular, energy (including renewable energy projects), infrastructure, production , retail, distribution and financial services. She is a graduate of the Warsaw School of Economics. Has ACCA and PMP certificates.

Michał Popiołek

Michał Popiołek

President of the Board, mInvestment Banking

Michal Popiołek graduated with a degree in finance and banking from SGH Warsaw School of Economics and IESE Business School in Barcelona. During his 25-year career Michał Popiołek held various positions in the investment banking area (Bank Handlowy and Polski Bank Inwestycyjny). He has worked at mBank for 21 years, including as Director of the Structured and Mezzanine Finance Department since 2008. Michał Popiołek is also a member of the Supervisory Board of mBank Hipoteczny and the President of the Management Board of mInvestment Banking S.A. In 2017 he was appointed Managing Director for Global and Investment Banking.

Łukasz Pobudejski

Łukasz Pobudejski

Director of the Structured Finance Department, BNP Paribas Bank Polska SA

Andrzej Stosio

Andrzej Stosio

Partner, Co-Head of the Banking and Finance Department, Clifford Chance

Andrzej Stosio is a qualified Polish advocate. He specialises in banking and capital markets from both transactional and regulatory perspectives. He has advised a number of international and Polish financial institutions and corporates on various types of financings, including financings with ESG components. He has also advised on complex debt restructurings, bond issues, financial markets products, clearing and settlement systems, collateral and credit risk management, as well as guarantee lines. Andrzej has been recognised by independent legal directories, including Chambers Global, Chambers Europe, Legal 500 EMEA and IFLR1000, as a leading lawyer in Banking & Finance, Debt Capital Markets and Restructuring and Insolvency in Poland.

Dominik Budny

Dominik Budny

Communication Manager CE Region, Nordkalk

Tomasz Gontarz

Tomasz Gontarz

Member of the Board of PKP Intercity SA, Social Advisor to the Prime Minister for Transport and Infrastructure

He held a managerial position in the Ministry of Infrastructure where he was responsible for railway projects, including the Rail+ Programme and the Bus Stop Programme. Previously, among others, he worked as a lawyer at PKO Bank Polski S.A. Since 2018, Social Plenipotentiary of the Lublin Governor for the development of railway infrastructure. Since March 2021, Social Advisor to the Prime Minister for infrastructure and transport. Since September 2020, at PKP Intercity, he is Member of the Management Board for Strategy and Development.

Monika Morawiecka

Monika Morawiecka

President of the Board, PGE Baltica

Associated with PGE since 2006. In February 2019, she became the President of the Management Board of PGE Baltica, a company from the PGE Capital Group coordinating the construction of the first offshore wind farms in the Baltic Sea. From 2010, as the director of the Strategy Department in PGE, she was responsible for the strategy of the entire Capital Group, for analysing the external and internal environment of PGE and proposing long-term development plans for the Group in both conventional generation and renewable energy sources. In 2013-2018 she was also a member of the Management Board of the Polish Electricity Association, a leading organization of the Polish energy sector. Earlier she worked, inter alia, in consulting companies, implementing various projects in the power, gas and district heating sectors. She graduate from the Faculty of Finance and Banking at the Warsaw School of Economics - faulty, as well as the holder of the international diploma of Master of International Management awarded by the European association of economic schools CEMS.

Dr hab. Mikołaj Pindelski

Dr hab. Mikołaj Pindelski

SGH Warsaw School of Economics

Łukasz Dominiak

Łukasz Dominiak

Director of Public and Government Relations, Animex Foods

graduate of the Warsaw School of Economics, PR & GA Director of the Smithfield Polska in which he has been working since 2019. His main responsibilities include representation of the company at a central and national level, activities within public affairs and media relations. Responsible for cooperation with the national administration and coordination of international activities, to include active cooperation with the European Commission and EU meat industry organizations: ELPHA, a.v.e.c. and CLITRAVI. Within the organization he also manages the Sustainable Development team, whose assumptions are based on the UN Sustainable Development goals. An active member of the management board of the National Poultry Council – Commerce Chamber in which until 2019 he fulfilled the role of General Director, responsible for the development of the Polish poultry industry across the country and abroad. His tasks among others included new markets access, completion of promotional projects and international relations including the cooperation with IPC (International Poultry Council) or EU entities. Previously connected with the Polish Meat Association, where he served as Head of the Office of the Board and Market and Foreign Affairs Specialist. His professional experience also includes the brokerage company REFCO, Chicago Mercantile Exchange, USA.

Marek Łuczak

Marek Łuczak

President of the Board, Syngenta Polska

Prof. dr hab. Roman Niżnikowski

Prof. dr hab. Roman Niżnikowski

Member of the State Council for Environmental Protection, Department of Animal Breeding, Institute of Animal Sciences, Warsaw University of Life Sciences

Agricultural sciences, animal husbandry and fishery, protection and care of the environment (including landscape), breeding systems, genetic and environmental conditions of animal production. He completed his studies in 1977 at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences. Doctoral degree in 1981, dr hab. in 1989, the title of professor in 1996. He was the supervisor in 13 doctoral dissertations, 93 master's degrees. Since 2015, he has been a member of the Supervisory Board of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (its chairman from 20/11/2015 to 24/02/2020). In 2017-2018 he was a member of the Supervisory Board of the Provincial Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Lublin. Since 2017, he is the chairman of the Scientific Council of IOŚ - PIB, a member of the Scientific Council of the IZ - PIB and the Scientific Council of IUNG - PIB. He has been a member of PROŚ since 2021. He managed 24 projects. He is the author of 604 publications. It has state and departmental decorations as well as occasional statuettes.

Paweł Nowak

Paweł Nowak

General Director, Goodvalley

Jakub Olipra

Jakub Olipra

Economist, Credit Agricole Bank Polska

Jakub Olipra graduated in Economics from Warsaw School of Economics (SGH). An Economist at the Macroeconomic Analyses Department of Credit Agricole Bank Polska since 2015, responsible for food and agricultural sector analyses. In 2016 he was distinguished in a competition for best proposals for reforms of the Polish economy organised by the National Bank of Poland for his work entitled ‘To Tap the Potential of Polish Rural Areas’. He ranked in top places in the competition for best forecasts of agricultural commodities prices organised by the Rzeczpospolita.

Tomasz Piszczatowski

Tomasz Piszczatowski

Agriculture Segment Manager, Lafarge Polska

He has been working at Lafarge since 2008. Previously, he worked at Lafarge in Poland as the Sales Manager and the Agricultural Products Sales Specialist at Lafarge Kruszywa i Beton Sp. z o.o. Tomasz graduated from the environmental protection faculty at the Białystok University of Technology.

Edyta Ziajowska

Edyta Ziajowska

Commercial Director, Edenred Polska

Władysław Grochowski

Władysław Grochowski

President and owner, Arche SA

The chairman and coproprietor of the company Arche SA hotel and developer activities. A graduate from a film school, a born optimist who loves people and the world. He establishes a chain (a collection) of hotels, mainly in historic facilities. Each of them is realised differently. Connecting old constituents with modern ones brings about new value, new life of the facility, and the guest receives positive emotions. He endeavours in order that things he does make sense, and his work would bring him pleasure. He undertakes difficult projects which not only give a lot of strength, but also humble. He says that he is very lucky at everything he does. Confidence helps him in his life, company, relations. Employees and company’s customers place their confidence in him, and he tries not to let them down. He believes that all the people are genuine, he perceives them in such way and they are like that. His corporate mission statement, that he has also implemented to the “Arche” company is: we fuse differences, we trust everyone, we change ourselves. With his wife Lena, they have established Lena Grochowska Foundation which provides flats and work for repatriated people from Kazakhstan. The foundation also organises the competition of nonprofessional art “Szukamy Nikifora” (We Search for Nikifor), open air paintings and exhibitions of paintings, camps for children from the Ukraine as well as provide jobs for disabled people in pottery and tailoring workshops.

Monika Michalska

Monika Michalska

Commercial Manager, Geocycle Polska

Monika Michalska has been with Lafarge in Poland for about eight years. She specializes in alternative fuels and waste management. At Geocycle, she is responsible for the purchase of alternative fuels and wastes for the Małogoszcz and Kujawy Cement Plants. She has a master's degree in Environmental Engineering at AGH in Krakow. Monika completed her postgraduate degree at the Vistula Academy of Finance and Business and Business School of Warsaw University Science and Technology. Before joining Lafarge she worked at the Ministry of the Environment in the waste management department where she learned about industry specifics from the regulatory and administrative side. In social media she is known as Pani od odpadów, where she shares knowledge about waste segregation and smart eco approach.

Artur Michalski

Artur Michalski

Deputy President of the Board, National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management

MSc. Artur Michalski is a graduate of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the Częstochowa University of Technology (1999). He completed specialized postgraduate studies, incl. Intercollegiate Postgraduate Study of Environmental Resource Assessment and Valuation of SGGW and SGH, Postgraduate Study of Nature Compensation Natura 2000 (SGGW), as well as International Relations and Diplomacy Study and Postgraduate Study of Environmental Policy - Ecology and Management. He is the author or co-author of over a dozen scientific publications, and is also active in environmental organizations, incl. in the Association for Sustainable Development of Poland.

Michał Mikołajczyk

Michał Mikołajczyk

Proxy, Sales and Marketing Director, Rekopol Organizacja Odzysku Opakowań SA

Lawyer, volunteer and employee of the Polish and International Red Cross, postgraduate CSR studies at the Kozminski University. Since 2004, he has been associated with Rekopol Organizacja Odzysku Opakowań S.A. Author of many projects and campaigns promoting waste segregation and conscious shopping, eg the nationwide campaign "Day without garbage". Organizer of projects in the field of "green CSR" carried out jointly by entrepreneurs, local government, waste management companies, non-governmental organizations. Sales and marketing director since 2009, proxy since 2014. Participant of work on the Circural Economy Package conducted by BusinessEurope in Brussels and on the concept of packaging and packaging waste management in Poland. Speaker and panelist at numerous conferences and seminars concerning, among others, Extended Producer Responsibility and the United Nations 2030 Agenda.

Grzegorz Brodziak

Grzegorz Brodziak

Managing Director, Goodvalley

Prof. Jacek Kijeński

Prof. Jacek Kijeński

Faculty of Civil Engineering, Mechanics and Petrochemistry, Warsaw University of Technology

Wybitny specjalista w dziedzinie chemii i technologii chemicznej w zakresie kierunków i strategii rozwoju przemysłu chemicznego, katalizy, przemysłowej syntezy organicznej i recyklingu odpadów z tworzyw sztucznych.Prof. dr hab. inż. Jacek Kijeński. Profesor zwyczajny Politechniki Warszawskiej, profesor Instytutu Chemii Przemysłowej. Prezes SITPChem od 2002 r. Członek Prezydium Komitetu Chemii PAN, Ekspert NCN i NCBiR, Koordynator Polskiej Platformy Technologicznej Wodoru i Ogniw Paliwowych, Ekspert Panelu Głównego Foresight Polska 2020. 200 publikacji, 40 patentów, kilkanaście projektów procesowych. Konsultant sektora wielkiej syntezy chemicznej.

Dr Guy Standing

Dr Guy Standing

Professor, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, member of the Academy of Social Sciences

Guy Standing is a professor at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, and a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences. He was previously Professor of Economic Security at the University of Bath, Professor of Labour Economics at Monash University, and Director of the Socio-Economic Security Programme of the International Labour Organization, in the United Nations. He is a co-founder and honorary co-president of the Basic Income Earth Network. His books include A Precariat Charter: From Denizens to Citizens (2014); The Precariat: The New Dangerous Class (2011), Work after Globalization: Building Occupational Citizenship (2009), and Basic Income – A Transformative Policy for India (2015).

Remigiusz Kopoczek

Remigiusz Kopoczek

President of Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju

Waldemar Gajeski

Waldemar Gajeski

Dyrektor Dyrekcji Mostowej STRABAG

Waldemar Gajeski – dyrektor Dyrekcji Mostowej STRABAG, absolwent Politechniki Poznańskiej. Od początku związany z budownictwem mostowym w Polsce. Pracuje w polskim oddziale austriackiego koncernu STRABAG od 2003 roku, w której dał podwaliny prężnie rozwijającej się dyrekcji. Dyrekcja Mostowa STRABAG wybudowała wiele ważnych obiektów mostowych w Polsce w ramach drogowych inwestycji infrastrukturalnych, w tym mosty przez Wisłę w Toruniu I Krakowie., w ciągach dróg ekspresowych i autostrad. Dyrekcja Mostowa STRABAG realizuje obecnie zadanie budowy trzech mostów kolejowych przez Wisłę w ramach modernizacji linii kolejowej E30 w Krakowie

Michał Janik

Michał Janik

Warsaw Site Senior Director, AstraZeneca Pharma Poland

Manager with vast experience in implementing fundamental changes, projects, and programs and functional and cultural reshaping of organizations Expert in designing and implementing development strategies of organizations and efficient models of management. Focused on concepts of organizational process modeling and psychological conditioning of modern leaders’ actions Graduated from the Physics and Applied Mathematics faculty at Warsaw University of Technology and Executive MBA at the University of Warsaw and University of Illinois

Jolanta Wiewióra

Jolanta Wiewióra

Managing Director of the HR and Communication Division at Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego

Prior to joining BGK as managing director of HR and communication, she had worked for 10 years in Bank Zachodni WBK. Initially as HR Business Partner, and subsequently as HR Director, Jola co-created the HR management strategy and worked on its successful implementation. For the last two years at BZ WBK, she was responsible for the cultural transformation of the bank, and for the last year - also for HR communication. Previously, she had successfully implemented projects related to defining the roles of regional and branch directors. In her career Jola cooperated with both the sales and support units. Over the years, she has managed dispersed teams: first of all HR managers and experts, then also communication specialists. She gained her first substantive and managerial experience in the international structures of The Coca-Cola Company. Jola is a lawyer by education. She is also a certified trainer and an MBTI diagnostician - a complex research method defining personality profiles. Her greatest passion is working with people. For many years, she has been involved in voluntary projects - among others, for several years, as a member of the Council of the BZ WBK Bank Foundation. For almost 20 years, she has been involved in the Disabled People's Association "Bądźcie z nami", an association enabling the integration of disabled children with healthy ones. She is currently the Chairperson of the Council of the JK Steczkowski Foundation of BGK, where she was a member for several years. She is convinced that cultural transformation of companies based on values leads every team to success, provided that in addition to developing the strategy for such a change, the transformation starts first of all with oneself.

Andrzej Grzymała

Andrzej Grzymała

Reverse Logistic Group

Ewa Mochocka

Ewa Mochocka

Associate Partner, EY-Parthenon

Ewa provides services in the field of obtaining financing and restructuring. He has nearly 20 years of experience in the field of financial consulting, in particular in the area of obtaining financing and financial restructuring of enterprises. Throughout her career, Ewa has advised on many financing acquisition processes, including greenfield and brownfield project financing transactions, as well as restructuring processes, serving clients from various industries, such as, in particular, energy (including renewable energy projects), infrastructure, production , retail, distribution and financial services. She is a graduate of the Warsaw School of Economics. Has ACCA and PMP certificates.

Piotr Maciak

Piotr Maciak

President of the Management Board at Nordkalk Sp. z o.o. / Sales Director Central Europe

Since 1991, he has been working in managerial positions in the area of sales and management in large international organizations, mainly in the segment of building materials. He has been working for Nordkalk for 12 years, including 11 years as the President of the Management Board of Nordkalk Sp. o.o. Since 2019, he has been the vice president of the Nordkalk group responsible for the Central Europe region.

Małgorzata Malinowska

Małgorzata Malinowska

Lyreco Polska S.A.

Jarosław Broda

Jarosław Broda

Board Member Baltic Power Orlen/Northland Power

Andrzej Stosio

Andrzej Stosio

Partner, Co-Head of Banking & Finance Practice, Clifford Chance

Andrzej Stosio is a qualified Polish advocate. He specialises in banking and capital markets from both transactional and regulatory perspectives. He has advised a number of international and Polish financial institutions and corporates on various types of financings, including financings with ESG components. He has also advised on complex debt restructurings, bond issues, financial markets products, clearing and settlement systems, collateral and credit risk management, as well as guarantee lines. Andrzej has been recognised by independent legal directories, including Chambers Global, Chambers Europe, Legal 500 EMEA and IFLR1000, as a leading lawyer in Banking & Finance, Debt Capital Markets and Restructuring and Insolvency in Poland.

Jacek Kostrzewa

Jacek Kostrzewa

Board Member Skotan

Katarzyna Mroczkowska

Katarzyna Mroczkowska

Marketing Lead for Central, East and South Europe, HMD Global
Dassault Systèmes

Marketing Professional with 15yrs experience in Telco and IT Industry.   Worked for international corporations such as Nokia and Microsoft where she was responsible for consumer products groups communication; PR, 360 Campaigns and B2B activities.   As a mentor she supported Edu-Tech StartUps Currently she’s managing Marketing for Central, East and South Europe in HMD Global, manufacturer and distributor of Nokia Phones, Tablets and accessories and own HMD services EMM and IOT segments. At the heart of HMD’s proposition of products and services next to security and mobility is sustainability and circular economy.